
Well-Known Member
It's so amazing how much you care about what people say about you. I have no reason to believe you are not who you say you are.... Other than the fact you invest so much effort into proving uncle buck wrong. It's really fucking strange. Why do you care so much?
Exactly. Even more peculiar is the inverse: someone who is vehemently judgmental, pressed to label you. I have always been indifferent. Entheogens intensified this disposition of mine.


Well-Known Member
Writing a few lines and posting it in a pic is not really going out of my way. I'm not trying to meet anyone in person or scream it from a mountaintop. I'm just trying to move the conversation along.


Well-Known Member
And for the record, I've only posted two pictures with papers that had things written on them, and the first time was probably well over a year ago. The rest of the ones I post are just because I like to post them. I'll include a visual aid.
Why you do you have a different shirt on in the pic


Well-Known Member
The ones with the blue tank were taken Wednesday. The nap one was taken right before I posted it.


Well-Known Member
Rb86 you have beautiful skin
Silk smooth
Change my mood
No longer brooding
Soothing to admire
Aspire to extinguish this fire
That burns like a million suns
Recover the message from the barrage of puns
I am Stunned


Well-Known Member
And for the record, I've only posted two pictures with papers that had things written on them, and the first time was probably well over a year ago. The rest of the ones I post are just because I like to post them. I'll include a visual aid.
Nice to see hear from you again Rainbow. You want to post another picture with them damn lips holding up a card that reads "Neo, you've always believed, I love you."