Nah I like the brown plus when it. Does grow out it's so close to my natural color I won't look retarded
Nah I like the brown plus when it. Does grow out it's so close to my natural color I won't look retarded
U have a nice neck! Excellent rear view if I do say so . I just kept cutting it as it grew..I never looked retarded ...might have looked like I lost a fight with a weed wacker... damn let me see if I can dig up a few pics of my old do...almost the same as you have..but that was 15 yrs ago and my tips were bleached blond lol
thanks. I am a bit of a cougar but ... age aint nothin but a number but so is 'age difference'. besides I'm all stocked up on cougar cubs. thanks

Funny, I keep reciting that to my prostate, and my hairline, and my waistline and my arches and that crick in my neck and most especially the enrollment page in the Obamacare web site.

No, age ain't nothing but a number - the number of teeth you got left, the number of drinks you've had, the number of cigars you've smoked and the number of divorces you've endured.