can't believe you guys lol.. every post in a thread on right upper corner has a number.. like mine is #23274 lol
still 23k posts... whoa..
can't believe you guys lol.. every post in a thread on right upper corner has a number.. like mine is #23274 lol
still 23k posts... whoa..

I use the ten posts per page default. That joke about slicing pizza was told about me. "Six slices or eight, Sir?"
"Oh dear; make it six. I can't eat eight."
I use the ten posts per page default. That joke about slicing pizza was told about me. "Six slices or eight, Sir?"
"Oh dear; make it six. I can't eat eight."
that reminds me of another one:

Piglet runs to Winniepooh and yells with excitement - Winnie, we got delivery, 10 oranges, 8 for you and 8 for me!
Winniepooh: Dude, your math's wrong. It's 5 for each.
Piglet thinks for a sec and replies: meh.. i don't know what ur talking about but I have already ate mine 8.

yeah i now not related to this situation, just remembered and wanted to share :weed:
that reminds me of another one:

Piglet runs to Winniepooh and yells with excitement - Winnie, we got delivery, 10 oranges, 8 for you and 8 for me!
Winniepooh: Dude, your math's wrong. It's 5 for each.
Piglet thinks for a sec and replies: meh.. i don't know what ur talking about but I have already ate mine 8.

yeah i now not related to this situation, just remembered and wanted to share :weed:

Lol hundred acre wood definitely would have been better if they talked like this.
Lol hundred acre wood definitely would have been better if they talked like this.

well, i was quickly translating joke from my language, what characters and how they talk doesn't matter, just a funny way to get rid of responsibility of eating 8 oranges out of 10

and no, i wasn't high
Godin, sorry you are having a rough go at RIU. People flirt, its not that big of a deal most likely nothing becomes of it. Though a few relationships have been born of this site.

Toke and talk is different, more of a sub forum to blow off steam and goof off, if you're looking for cannabis help there are lots and lots of knowledable people here. With the number of people that come here it can be over whelming. Good luck with everything and if you have a plant issue check out the other sub forums.
Hey kenetic when I pull my screen up and down it makes your avatar kinda work.
You can imprint it, and its the brain wave image. Without moving the page you may notice the pulse in the center when not directly looking at it!

Also if you want to activate alpha brain waves sit still, posture straight breathing slow and deep close your eyes and roll them straight up three times. Alpha brainwaves begins.
You can imprint it, and its the brain wave image. Without moving the page you may notice the pulse in the center when not directly looking at it!

Also if you want to activate alpha brain waves sit still, posture straight breathing slow and deep close your eyes and roll them straight up three times. Alpha brainwaves begins.

ugh! i just had an epileptic episode..damn brain wave patterns and laughter soundtracks on tv