Bingo! I was going to ask how you can drive one of those with those damn gas tanks. I'm 5'4" and that just won't happen. 5 more inches yup you could just do it. Damn! Someone start designing women's motorcycles! Hmmmmmm what you'd sell 25? Never mind.....Y'know, funny you ask because that's the reason I bought it.$5,400-- it's a 2013 and only had 18 miles on it. Was a bank repo from Texas but had a clear title n everything!
and YEEES it's so comfy. I got my '09 250r like two weeks ago, which I thought THAT was comfy, but this one is like....skinnier and cushion-y if that makes sense? ._. Anyway, only problem is I'm 5' 9" and barely tall enough to be riding the 650r so I gotta still get over that.
In my next life I'm coming back 6' or I'm NOT coming back!