
Well-Known Member
yeah im in the same boat.. constantly eating veggies fruits and nuts/seeds. Its a lot of food for sure but ive noticed quite the cut, my 8 pack has come out to play finally.. I do bust my ass in the gym but judging on pictures of you I would suggest you keep it going with the high calorie/protein mix.. I would also suggest heavy weight low reps from what ive seen your doing high rep stuff, if your looking to gain mass that's just not the way to do it. you can put on the mass and refine it later once you fine tune your diet after you put the weight on. I just hit the 185 mark.. and we will see how the vegetarian diet changes that. Im pseudo veggie head.. I still use the raw mass gainer from GNC which im sure has a bunch of ground up animals in it.. and still get down on chocolate milk, besides those two vices I don't fux with meat.. I have noticed I can sleep better at night and have a bunch of engery, my mind seems clearer too, and my completion is better.. lets see how I am in a week or two
that's actually how I've been doing it, never sacrificing form and doing 8 reps at max weight. if it gets to the point I can do 12 comfortably I up the weight, when I started I was 7% body fat so my cut hasn't left me even with the crazy amount of food etc I've been taking in. I want to get to 205 then cut back to 200


Well-Known Member
I remember doing all that crap when i was playing football. Once you stop it all goes away. Have any mood swing yet LOL

Creatine mad me so irritable

no mood swing, this gainer doesn't have the usual shitload of artificial creatine added to it. it does contain a small amount but it's natural from the beef protein isolate so as opposed to taking it in then just pissing it out this one actually helps


Well-Known Member
that's actually how I've been doing it, never sacrificing form and doing 8 reps at max weight. if it gets to the point I can do 12 comfortably I up the weight, when I started I was 7% body fat so my cut hasn't left me even with the crazy amount of food etc I've been taking in. I want to get to 205 then cut back to 200
Ive always done 10 reps 4 sets, no matter if its chest (incline/decline/flat) arms, legs, abs, shit even forearms haha .. if I can do 15 at max weight I add 10 pounds.. just got to two plates and a 25 @ ten on flat bench. I hear yah with the cut some people just have a fast metabolism.. I have no idea how to calculate body fat.. don't you need to like get into a tub of water and measure your volume or something haha


Well-Known Member
Ive always done 10 reps 4 sets, no matter if its chest (incline/decline/flat) arms, legs, abs, shit even forearms haha .. if I can do 15 at max weight I add 10 pounds.. just got to two plates and a 25 @ ten on flat bench. I hear yah with the cut some people just have a fast metabolism.. I have no idea how to calculate body fat.. don't you need to like get into a tub of water and measure your volume or something haha
I just broke 170 on bench as my max out for 6 reps so I can basically bench my body weight and 215 on chest flys 6 reps. really trying to build my chest so I hit it hard after recovery day because when I first started I wasn't working it the way I should. and I have a scale that does it for me. A good way to roughly eyeball it is that abs come in at 10% body fat and under


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Ive always done 10 reps 4 sets, no matter if its chest (incline/decline/flat) arms, legs, abs, shit even forearms haha .. if I can do 15 at max weight I add 10 pounds.. just got to two plates and a 25 @ ten on flat bench. I hear yah with the cut some people just have a fast metabolism.. I have no idea how to calculate body fat.. don't you need to like get into a tub of water and measure your volume or something haha
Water was the most accurate and cheapest but caliper's do ok if the person knows wtf they are doing or so I was told. I'd love to learn more about dexa.


Well-Known Member
Ive always done 10 reps 4 sets, no matter if its chest (incline/decline/flat) arms, legs, abs, shit even forearms haha .. if I can do 15 at max weight I add 10 pounds.. just got to two plates and a 25 @ ten on flat bench. I hear yah with the cut some people just have a fast metabolism.. I have no idea how to calculate body fat.. don't you need to like get into a tub of water and measure your volume or something haha
you really only need to do 5-6 reps at max weight to break down the muscle if you do them slow with good form. 8 is just to make sure it's been fully done though I usually do 10 and up the weight at 12


Well-Known Member
fuck recovery day! haha look up ct fletcher stupid swell its these black dudes who are ripped city.. i do chest, arms, and abs every day.. glamour muscles for miles. i do recovery on legs and other muscles when im targeting strange shit.. i hit the gym for like 3 hours a day so i run out of things to do. My only true recovery day is after i ride, and i literally can't move.. its a forced recovery, and i take it!



Well-Known Member
one more for perfectionist and yeha i know these arn't pictures of me i understand that. Still funny crazy shit.



Well-Known Member
fuck recovery day! haha look up ct fletcher stupid swell its these black dudes who are ripped city.. i do chest, arms, and abs every day.. glamour muscles for miles. i do recovery on legs and other muscles when im targeting strange shit.. i hit the gym for like 3 hours a day so i run out of things to do. My only true recovery day is after i ride, and i literally can't move.. its a forced recovery, and i take it!


you might not go backwards but you won't move forward as quickly, chest takes 2-3 days to fully recover if you break it down properly. I do arms both days (i do 2 days on 1 day off). I get insanely bored on recovery day because I spend 3 hours the other two days but its a necessary evil. if you do it right you will actually see the majority of your gains on the recovery day not the workout day when your muscles are passive, I just eat a ton on recovery and play poker usually. even body builders recommend recovery especially for chest.

normally when I come in after my 1 day off I start with legs to release the testosterone then move to abs (decline sit ups leg raises and oblique kicks). after abs its onto free weights where I start with v fly's into arnold presses then a heavy chest routine with flat incline and decline chest press on freeweights. after chest heavy triceps biceps shoulders and back rows, then move off free weights and go over to lat pulldowns and pyramid curls for bicep and back. from there upper chest outward press and fly machine then a quick round on bench followed by pull ups and dips. then tricep and bicep machines and im done.

day 2 is usually heavy legs abs bicep tricep and back because the chest is still recovering.

day 3 recover with a ton of protein

rinse and repeat