
Pickle Queen
He was being nice.
someone seems obsessed with me this afternoon...tell everyone why ur really upset with me instead of childish insults...
either way don't ever expect me to respond to ur nonsense ever again, ur rude and mean. All I ever did was answer ur questions..other peoples choices are not mine, we know who the whore is that is ur issue ;)


Well-Known Member
someone seems obsessed with me this afternoon...tell everyone why ur really upset with me instead of childish insults...
either way don't ever expect me to respond to ur nonsense ever again, ur rude and mean. All I ever did was answer ur questions..other peoples choices are not mine, we know who the whore is that is ur issue ;)
Not obsessed. Just tired of your two-faced bullshit and your hypocritical psycho-babble. Not many others are willing to confront you about it, but I am. I'm not attacking you for anyone except myself. I'm sick of your manipulative underhanded bullshit games, and you are a child. I'm done here. And please, for the love of all that is holy don't ever respond to any of my posts or talk about me to anyone on here again.

Obsessed? Im talking about you to your face in front of everyone. You talk about me behind my back. Who's obsessed? Only lying manipulative people talk about others behind their back.

Ok. Done.


Pickle Queen
shut da fuk up with yo goat milk drinkin ass nigga
LMFAO hun not needed let him vent...

Someone is having a bad day and decided i'm the target...empty words don't hurt me as much as the truth hurt him...lmfao sorry pain is not funny just sad when people deflect all their issues and insecurities on others...rather obvious but still sad. Ok home time


Active Member
haha.. sittin here havin few beers and stumbled on this thread... guess what the hell i put my picture in here.
