New Member
Ya bud, big scary ninja. Baaaahahaahaaaaa. Wait.....arent you the troll that was calling some guys plants weak on his thread the other day? Nooow thats some tough guy shiz right there bud. Oh ya, stroll onto a newbs thread and call his plants weak when hes posting to get better at this. Are you worried im gonna call you out just like the other loud mouthed ass hats talkin smack? Dunno if you noticed but the RIU bandwagon filled up pretty quick on frog stomp so choose your words wisely if you dont want to find yourself in thunderdome with haru the great white and scary ninja. Cant we all just get along?
Wait, does that count as being an internet tough guy to a troll? I guess it does, shit. I have an addiction. Troll trolling. Where can i get help for this demonic affliction??![]()
if its in GMG yeah ill call them out, thats why theres a newb section for that shit. If its in the newb section ill help them. People need to read. i know i never called anyones plant weak thats a lame word choice. pretty sure i said you suck at growing and you should just quit cause you accomplished to impossible