
Staff member
so how many post before mssgs unlockd, so i can let some1 know who i am....
lol they wont accept my request lol THE NEWB affect again...
there is not exact number if we gave that out spammers would have that information and that would be horrible.
its either certain amount of days + posts
or certain amount of posts
= pm's

if you want i can message the memeber for you with what you want me to say or you can write on their user wall


Well-Known Member
so how many post before mssgs unlockd, so i can let some1 know who i am....
lol they wont accept my request lol THE NEWB affect again...
there is not exact number if we gave that out spammers would have that information and that would be horrible.
its either certain amount of days + posts
or certain amount of posts
= pm's

if you want i can message the memeber for you with what you want me to say or you can write on their user wall

Or you could act right, so you don't have to start over.....
there is not exact number if we gave that out spammers would have that information and that would be horrible.
its either certain amount of days + posts
or certain amount of posts
= pm's

if you want i can message the memeber for you with what you want me to say or you can write on their user wall
o im really hope'n its not days, it wus days before i sent a mssg on last account so idk, by time i figured out what the Police Badge was it was already unlocked lol


Well-Known Member
give that vic da "chitown smile delux" aim for da face

Well, I hate to be the one to be UNCOOL ...but this is primary dentition...that person is no more than 5 years old because he still has his pedo incisors. Looks like he fell down and knocked his front teeth up into his "gums" aka, (maxillary vestibule)

so, hahahah nice try but don't post dental pictures if you don't want to be told! Sorry.... I just can't help myself!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
so how many post before mssgs unlockd, so i can let some1 know who i am....
lol they wont accept my request lol THE NEWB affect again...
they wont let you do it until you pinch a big bud bettween your elbows and snap a pic with your phone infront of your face cowboy....sorry....till then :)

View attachment 2662593This is what I'm really in the mood for though...

my bad....:oops:
hope your birthday celebration was what you wanted out of it which im sure it was. Theres nothing better than sausages, french toast, and mimosas for brunch. :):):)

Do you have anything I could use...Up in here?
I meant to wash Sunni with, hahahaha
im going to go with the Dr. On this one and just say....Oh my... :clap:, but, if you really have no other options i have a whole bunch of soap that smell like coconuts and strawberries :):):)

Flaming, how you been? Pm me one of these days.:fire: Hope alls well.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Dang that pesky sleep, missed all the good stuff again!:)
WHOA! me too! No sooner do I face plant than the party starts. Been that way all my life! Sheesh. But I must admit it is much safer today. Back in the day if you fell out to early your buds decorated you. I've been toilet papered and painted with sharpies and toothpaste and..... well never mind...... I think this virtual stuff rocks!

Ok I can't not tell this one. Once upon a time in a galaxy.... Ok I went over to my friend's house we were going to get wasted (what we called baking back in pre-hysterical times). So his girlfriend called him and he said I'll be right back.

Ever the thoughtful guest I waited until he closed the door and immediately lit up. Then I noticed the tequila. So I poured myself a glass (YES I SAID GLASS). It went south from there. After smoking myself insensate and drinking myself spastic I decided it was time for a snack.

I went to the frig and realized he was a bachelor! I then opened the cabinets, NOTHING! I then made the jump to the top of the kitchen counter and proceeded to toss this guys kitchen. I was laser focused on sweet. JACKPOT! An unopened jar of Aunt Jemima Pancake syrup.

Oh and now would be the time to mention my hair was past my waist (this is important). So I took my pancake syrup back to the table where I continued to entertain myself with shots of tequila, tokes of pot and pancake syrup as a beverage.

The last thing I remembered was taking the last shot of tequila picking up the last of the pancake syrup and tossing it back..... Unfortunately my gyros were off and the chair, in slow motion tumbled backwards with me sitting in it.

In the morning I woke up sitting on my back in a chair lying on the floor and I could not move. My hair had fanned out and the left over pancake syrup glued me to the ground I was like a fly on fly paper. I couldn't call for help (what a hangover). So there I laid until my friend who was not in much better condition than I crawled on out of bed and tripped over me.....

Had to regrow the hair again too sigh......