Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
My dog Roxy
She watches the computer with me everynight
Pic 1 is her looking at a pic of her self on the computer
roxy 042.jpgroxy 031.jpgroxy 040.jpgroxy 039.jpgroxy 037.jpgroxy 036.jpg


Well-Known Member

I so love the JRT attitude and disposition.. My Roxy is about 6 years old.. My Gretchen.. named by the grandfolks... is about 2 .. mentally she's still an egg...


Well-Known Member
another one of Jesse the JRT
Not my dog , but to good not to post


Well-Known Member
Big girl
I've always been scarred shitless of those dogs ever since i was younger
We had a big one that lived around the corner , it used to get out all the time and attack us on our bikes
It was a savage beast !!!

Jumpin Jack

Big girl
I've always been scarred shitless of those dogs ever since i was younger
We had a big one that lived around the corner , it used to get out all the time and attack us on our bikesI
It was a savage beast !!!
I had to laugh cause i use to have a guy down the street with a big dog and it would always chase use on our bikes and try bite our feet and as i got older i said fuck this thing and shot with a BB gun when it chased me one day.Couple days later it was chained up .lol


Well-Known Member
Funnily enough my friends bought a GSD to protect the house and the grow. They had a field of weed in the garden this summer and also last. The dog is crazy and relatively untrained. He got out and attacked the postman. They knew nothing until the police arrived to warn them about it!! So, false economy or what ? Lol