Picture of your pet thread !!!

-40 C is -40 F.
That's where they meet.

Yeah but -40C sounds so much colder! Im wondering what id have to wear? How many layers? Do people ride motorbikes in the Summer only? I've got my living room at 20C right now! I can't bear cold weather and water. Reckon I must've frozen to death in a previous life!!!
Yeah but -40C sounds so much colder! Im wondering what id have to wear? How many layers? Do people ride motorbikes in the Summer only? I've got my living room at 20C right now! I can't bear cold weather and water. Reckon I must've frozen to death in a previous life!!!

When you live in places like this, you acquire many layers. But the cats love this weather as the radiators pretty much stay hot all day. Radiator hugs!
Yeah but -40C sounds so much colder! Im wondering what id have to wear? How many layers? Do people ride motorbikes in the Summer only? I've got my living room at 20C right now! I can't bear cold weather and water. Reckon I must've frozen to death in a previous life!!!

It's something you acquire too. My main cold weather set up is insulated underwear jeans carhartt bibs. People always look at me funny cuz I always go out in carhartts but I can assure you I won't be getting cold and if car breaks down I'm good for the walk if need be. You just kinda stay prepared for the worst case scenario. Or at least I do anyways:)
I cant believe I open the bathroom window as I'm drying off and you guys are taking precautionary measures in taking the car out. I'm even going out with damp hair. Next week will be sunny and mild which is great coz I get my bike back!!! :)
Its the shits... Got hit just before Christmas... t-boned... $5000 damage done to the car. Goes in next week for repairs. Now I white knuckle it!
God made us dogs !!!!!
vic vega 001.jpg

bout a year and a half old...i swear he gets fatter by the second.

he is soooo lazy. Sometimes he just lays by the food dish and waits for you to come back. he also has figured out how to open the food containers and help himself. most times he'll still have food in his bowl...he just likes it fresh apparently

i found him when I was cutting wood one day and figured he had to be pretty tough so we named him vic vega when he was a kitten. because the movie vic is a badass. We had no idea he'd turn out to be a fat bastard lol.