Picture of your pet thread !!!

If you wanna see my pitbull go absolutely nuts, you give one of the kids a raspberry on their stomach. I have no idea what it is but it completely freaks him out. He gets genuinely upset about it.
If you wanna see my pitbull go absolutely nuts, you give one of the kids a raspberry on their stomach. I have no idea what it is but it completely freaks him out. He gets genuinely upset about it.
hahaha my dog talks to me.

ill tell him no
and he just gets all in a little huff
and starts talking like hes arguing with me.
If you wanna see my pitbull go absolutely nuts, you give one of the kids a raspberry on their stomach. I have no idea what it is but it completely freaks him out. He gets genuinely upset about it.

My pup Charlotte likes when she gets the raspberries...

She has a scar on her belly from where they removed her lady parts and she likes when I rub/scratch/itch/raspberry it...
If you wanna see my pitbull go absolutely nuts, you give one of the kids a raspberry on their stomach. I have no idea what it is but it completely freaks him out. He gets genuinely upset about it.

Our Border Collie used to go nuts with that sound too. I wonder if for their ears, it's a pitch thing.

Another (awful but fun) trick we played on the dog was to catch him sound asleep then make a huge fart noise (on the arm, never real of course LOL) and he'd bolt upright out of a sound sleep and smell his ass, thinking it was him. ROFLMO!

I know, I know, so I'm a 14 year old adolescent….
I use positive reinforcement for training. I think Ceaser millian is doing massive damage on dogs. and there are PLENTY of studies showing his methods are completely WRONG

To the studies ive read the alpha dog between human and dog dont fucking exist.
Your dog will never view you as "Alpha male" or "Pack leader" cause youre a human not a dog.
ah went on a bit of rant there LOL , no disrespect to anyone train your dog how you want honestly.
haha Thor's normal laying down pattern
... cause youre a human not a dog.

you sure?

Really don't know a lot of details about what Ceasar does right or wrong. I just recall, 'calm assertive energy' lol. positive reinforcement, yes common sense. Pavlov. I'd never harm a dog, or any animal. hunters make me squeamish! aggression training, in my mind doesn't have to (shldnt) be offensive to the animal.

imo i'd guess.. a /lover not a fighter/ for a dog.
Thor (?) powerful name, v. cute... looks gentle too.
i prefer both.
I'd expect, a dog to attack a mofo the moment I say, GO.
there are mild ways of practicing this to know for sure.

I'm thinking doberman for my next dog, possibly back to border collie maybe cattle dog.
you sure?

Really don't know a lot of details about what Ceasar does right or wrong. I just recall, 'calm assertive energy' lol. positive reinforcement, yes common sense. Pavlov. I'd never harm a dog, or any animal. hunters make me squeamish! aggression training, in my mind doesn't have to (shldnt) be offensive to the animal.

imo i'd guess.. a /lover not a fighter/ for a dog.
Thor (?) powerful name, v. cute... looks gentle too.
i prefer both.
I'd expect, a dog to attack a mofo the moment I say, GO.
there are mild ways of practicing this to know for sure.

I'm thinking doberman for my next dog, possibly back to border collie maybe cattle dog.
yes , i found multiple studies and research done on this ill dig em up but they are long reads.

positive reinforcement is training your dog through like a clicker and a reward system
other methods like ceaser they dont physically hurt the dogs however they use methods that make you DOMINATE the dog
sorry didnt mean anyone harms their dogs through his methods.

my dog is very loving i got him to be a guard dog and im sure he will and would protect when needed without having to train him over it, its just his nature if i feel threatened he does perk up, and becomes attentive to me.
i did have someone try to break intom y house while i was here, and as soon as i guess he felt the way i was, he started growling and got very aggressive, in terms of barking but in a very angry way,
however when normal people come to my home he never barks.
i never trained him to be that way so perhaps he is just picking up on my feelings and i prefer it to be that way
sounds like yer boy Thor knows how to be ruff ruff when it's needed. believe most canines innately protect owners. now i'll introspect about being agro, lol.
yes , i found multiple studies and research done on this ill dig em up but they are long reads.

positive reinforcement is training your dog through like a clicker and a reward system
other methods like ceaser they dont physically hurt the dogs however they use methods that make you DOMINATE the dog
sorry didnt mean anyone harms their dogs through his methods.

my dog is very loving i got him to be a guard dog and im sure he will and would protect when needed without having to train him over it, its just his nature if i feel threatened he does perk up, and becomes attentive to me.
i did have someone try to break intom y house while i was here, and as soon as i guess he felt the way i was, he started growling and got very aggressive, in terms of barking but in a very angry way,
however when normal people come to my home he never barks.
i never trained him to be that way so perhaps he is just picking up on my feelings and i prefer it to be that way

There are a lot of studies arguing against this, but I am a full supporter of Cesar - not necessarily all of his tactics/ideas/views, but I certainly think he gets results for a reason. I have trained dozens of dogs and use methods similar to him - dominating the dog is the wrong term, you want to show that in a dominance/power display, you will come out on top over the dog and he will back down. Not every dog is the same, and not every dog responds to this kind of training. Just kinda got to get a feel for the dogs personality. Some dogs are naturally VERY submissive (dogs that show you their belly aren't doing it because they want you to pet them, they're saying "Hey! I like you and trust you!" - it's submissive behavior), or if you have a dog that cowers down a little when you go to pet them. Those kinds of dogs would not respond well to Cesar's methods. But with aggressive-dominant dogs, you NEED them to feel subordinate to you to avoid disrespectful behavior. Dogs aren't smart enough to know that communication is different between a dog, cat, or human. Hence why a lot of dogs and cats have a hard time getting along because their body language totally clashes.

Sorry sunni, that's not necessarily a response to you.. just ranting to the general public lol. I'm a dog & horse trainer in my spare time!
Mrs GWN & I took our dogs to a remote beach last weekend and my SA Boerboel was acting sorta strange - he kept blocking me from getting up the beach into the grass & brush. I didn't think much of it other than he was very attentive & puffed up looking. . .
Then I saw the bear cub tracks in the loose dry sand & knew what was up.
We never saw momma or the cub, but the tracks were very fresh & even if the bear's weren't still there I'm sure he could smell them.
My parents used to raise German Shepards, and when they wanted their ears to stand they didn't have them cut. They put those soft pink rollers at the tip, and used that soft medical tape around it, left it on for 3 days, and when it came off their ears just stood like that. Muscle training, not cutting. If that's what you really want. Personally, Tuckies ears stand and then flop at the tips, and I think it's cute as hell that way. That must be the way they're supposed to be, that's how he was born lol.