Picture of your pet thread !!!

plenty of folks have pets and hunt here
I live rural and there's a lot of hunting here, it's just I don't agree with it, never did, never will but do I think hunters are bad people and the answers is no, I have you guys just above lawyers:D

Well, at least I eat everything I take and I give away meat to hunters for the hungry.
Hey! Love the puppy pics. So glad I started this thread. We've got a huge collection now.

With you on the puppy breath. Monty stinks now, ever since he discovered the in-house delicatessen, the cats litter tray. I gotta be quick after Minky or bog breath beats me to it!!
haha, yeah my boy lives to eat other animals poo aswell, it is not very nice at all! Careful with cat stool though, cats have a chemical that is in there stall that can be very harmful to dogs if they eat to much.. Not 100% if its true but I've read it a few places now

My girly is only a year old but has a gum disease :( They took a swab last week to look into whether they can fix it, but she might end up losing all her teeth :( How she gonna catch all the frogs without teeth!

I might have posted it but i just came across this pic of my other girly. MAkes me go squee. Lover her to bits.

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cute cat! poor little girl, hope the cets can do something to help her.. Haha trust me, she'll figure out a way to get the frogs!
I guess this counts as pets, lol. My planted tank, a labor of love for me. Currently there are some nutrient problems in the plants, but in this pic it was epic.

wicked set up! I cant wait to move into out own place in a couple of months so i can start setting up my tank, the neighbour gave me a 4ft long tank, in the middle of building a stand/cupboard for it it to sit on..
That setup looks awsome !
I used to have cichlids(mostly African) , they would tear up any live plant in 5min .

my mates old man had a chichlid, he had to put it in a tank by itself cause it was taking chunks out of his fantozer (i don't know to spell it haha) brutal as fish, it would try to jump out at you if you waved your finger above the water!
my mates old man had a chichlid, he had to put it in a tank by itself cause it was taking chunks out of his fantozer (i don't know to spell it haha) brutal as fish, it would try to jump out at you if you waved your finger above the water!

Yes they can be very nasty fish , and they have teeth !
You have to keep symillar types in the same tank otherwise there's trouble .