Picture of one of the 100 dollar grow rooms for you haters


Well-Known Member
This is sad and boring. LOL

Budget tips are great. We all love them.

The OP is simply lying. That is sad. And boring.

So all you folks with great grows, just let this one die...


Well-Known Member
Wow for a guy with thousands of posts and most of them telling people they are doing it wrong where's one picture of a grow you've done???
Not normally my thing to say something like that but i figured after i read a rant you had about trichomes don't determine when to harvest that maybe you had some useful knowledge and sure you have some buried throughout your almost 3000 posts.Just funny i couldnt find a positive one though i will say i only went through a few pages maybe a hundred comments.
So good luck with all your future grows bigv may all your plants finish in 15 weeks