Mixed a new batch of soil.
I'll be using this new soil and an older batch of soil that I made in mid February in my larger pots when the time comes.
Wish I started this batch sooner.
Pictures show everything used.
The base is a soil that has been amended countless times over the past four years.
I'll go by gallons to estimate things, looks like about 25 gallons of soil to be amended.
I'll have a better idea when I put it in a barrel and bags for storage. I'm guessing about 40-45 gallons in the end.
Approx 25 gallons of used soil that was leached of any salt build.
I put perlite in the bottom of 3 gallon pots then add the old soil and run water through it. More than 3 times the amount, how much IDK. I use tap from the hose to do it.
I usually use happy frog 6-4-4 but was almost out so I used some DTE Bio fish and crab meal this time in addition to the HF, I hope they like it.
1st things I added:
2 cups Happy frog 6-4-4.
1 cup DTE Bio Fish
1/2 cup DTE Crab Meal
1 1/2 cups Kelp Meal
3/4 cup Lime
2 cups gypsum
1 1/4 cup Azomite
1 1/2 cup Greensand
These were mixed into the soil 1st.
Next I added:
About 5 gallons of sphagnum peat moss and about 2 1/2 gallons of EWC.
After mixing those in I added some additional perlite and some vermiculite.
Total perlite added when counting the perlite I added to the bottom of the pots to leach the soil is about 9 gallons.
Last thing added was about 1 1/2 gallons of vermiculite.