Picture Contest

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Well-Known Member
I have worked for years in the Arctic on and off, and have spent many a good time there....these are a couple of shots from a trip recently, the fall colours......that "frost mound" ....or "pingo" is like 300ft in height!

Woweee those are spectacular, Tahoe....I think the "frost mound" is my favorite pic so far!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey man thanks....they are realtively common...though that is a particularly large one...and is actually a designated Park now. These mounds are favorite denning locations for Grizz and Arctic fox....they are a unique ecozone all of their own, very much like compressing the altitudinal changes that occur from sealevel to mountain top - totally exposred to the elements and harshness of winter.


Well-Known Member
Tahoe, you got expensive cars, exotic locals, big game pics, and eskimos are you an international spy? Are you really James Bond?


Well-Known Member
tahos just a cool guy with a cool job!
but I dont know about thoes cars... maybe he is a spy on the weekend :P


Well-Known Member
And I wear an Omega Seamaster......you tell me?! :blsmoke:

***EDIT***others say I spent too much on my BloomBox, and that I am a supreme idiot......maybe I'm independently wealthy and have more money than brains.....I'm still thinking about that one?
Tahoe, you got expensive cars, exotic locals, big game pics, and eskimos are you an international spy? Are you really James Bond?


Well-Known Member
wavels...that third pic......its tough to get perspective...but it looks like it must be like 8-10" across at the bottom of that cola....that is a total monstro!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
i just might have some woman pics. and i know you are an independent thinker........who loves poon lol.:hump:

okay if i must pick a winner.....then it shall be me haha just kidding. damn though pickin a winner would be tough. :mrgreen:

Hey Masta.... You should pick some pictures and start a new thread, and let people vote for a winner... what ya think?

I will supply the prize... you set it up :)

Or just wait a few more days and pick a winner.. up to you..

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