pics-- which plant is better?


Well-Known Member
hello. i have thc bomb seedlings and i wanted to know which ones would be the best to clone from assuming they are female?


Well-Known Member
like the post before mine, id clone them all, they might all be males, or females. but often the healthier quicker growing plant turns out to be male.


Well-Known Member
yes i understand this. but if they were all females, which would better support a strong yield? im thinking the smaller ones will be better because they say that you want to have a lot of branching?


Well-Known Member
okay. i was kind of hoping for some one to give me some logic but if i have to go with "tasty" then i guess i will


Well-Known Member
well like i said in my first post, the faster grower usually turns out to be male.
plus id keep both, but only clone from the short one, that way, you still have a back up.