[PICS] What's up?


Well-Known Member
I have no clue what's going on, I've had two successful grows and this has never happened to me, the only thing different about this grow is that I'm using a 400w HPS to veg instead of CFLs...

What's the problem?

Seed planted 4/8
Sprouted 4/11 (10 days old now)
Watered when cup is light
No ferts yet (obviously)
400w HPS (18/6)
Temp 80-84
Humidity 35-45

also, last picture is worst plant.. both cotyledons and embryonic leaves are yellow



Well-Known Member
Also, i've been watering with free-caught rain water.. never had any problems with this before on my other two grows, but thought you guys should know.

PH always hits 6.5 when tested.


Well-Known Member
Just tested my rain water to be sure, it's 6.0. I also tested the soil a week ago, PH'd at 6.2.

Could this be a heat problem? The HPS has definitely increased the heat in the grow room.. My other grows were always around 77-80, now I'm 80-86, at one point my exhaust turned off and I hit 90 but I caught it within 10 minutes


Well-Known Member
I think that getting the temps down would definitely help, and also raising the pH of your water and soil slightly couldn't hurt


Well-Known Member
The HPS is just so hard to handle.. much much hotter for some reason.. I have a 100cfm exhaust with two fans and a cool mist humidifier in a 4x3x2 box... Still hot as fuck.

as far as ph, 6.2 soil sounds perfect according to my knowledge


im going to take a guess and say your using miracle grow soil? it may be too hot at first for your strain of weed. i think it will make it though. also how close do you got your light to the plant


Well-Known Member
no MG. 4 parts no-fert soil, 2 parts perlite, 1 part sh. peat moss, dolomite lime added until soil ph tested 6.2
400w HPS is 24" above tops of plants, due to current heat problem (working on the heat so I can get them closer)

but still, in this small box that should be adequate light for a seedling


Well-Known Member
anybody? I'm scared of losin this crop.. don't wanna have to make an awkward trip to go get sub-par bud when I could have my own delish.