PICS! sick plant hot plant or hungry plant?


Active Member
The only things i can think of that would be the problem would be heat stress, because i did lower the light 2 inches a couple hours before dark period. When i woke up the lights had been on for 4 hours intill i checked, i took the pics as soon as i checked on them. The plant is exactly 14 days old. I was also thinking that it might be because of ferts, this is my very first grow and from what ive learned you shouldnt start ferting your plants untill the 4th node shows and i havent ferted at all. Take a look at the pics and let me know, any experienced feedback would be much appreciated.The leaf that looks burnt on the tip is the one furthest from the light. I will throw in some pics of my set up aswell. useing 150watt hps lightbulb.

I am useing 150 watt hps light exactly 22.3 inches away from the light from the tops of the leaves. the tempurature during light hours stays between 72 and 78 degrees, the humidity stays between 50 and 58 percent. Dark house gets 66 to 72 degrees, the humidity gets 54 to 64 percent. The soil is 1/3 perlite 1/3 vermiculite 1/3 peat moss. They dont have any ferts in them at all except for the perlite is meracle gro brand, it says on the back that it has .04%Nitrogen, .01%Phosphate, .06% Soluable Potash. -don't ask i have no idea whats up, just what it says on the back of the perlite bag, if you need a pic of it i can get one. Last time i watered the runoff of all the plants was between 5.5 and 5.8PH



Well-Known Member
combination nute burn/heat stress from MG perlite/hps. curling from high heat can happen VERY VERY fast, in a matter of minutes at worst to a matter of hours at best so i bet that situation where you said the heat got really high is what caused most of the curling.

MG perlite sucks because just like MG potting soil it has those little nute bombs which are rough on a seedling.

so move the light up another 6" or so, seedlings are very delicate and an HPS gives off too much radiant heat. even though your ambient temps are good make your thermometer act like a leaf, put it parallel with the tops of your seedlings. i bet it reads over 85. that radiant heat combined with the hot nutes in the mg perlite is causing your issues.

after you raise the light i would transplant into a reformulated mix with standard perlite. basically just do what you did before except substitute regular nute-less perlite for the mg crap.

cannabis doesn't need ANY nutes for 3 weeks.

once you get these issues sorted out expect shit to take off! good move starting with HPS, 150 watt will cover 3 sq. ft. so keep your grow area limited to how many female plants you can fit in that area comfortably (3 or 4?). if you get a bunch of females and want to use more area (as you seem to have a whole room available) you can supplement with some CFL's.

you need 5000 lumens sq/ft.

and your pH is too low, should be around 6.5 check the growfaq on ways to raise it.


Well-Known Member
It's definately NOT nute burn. Raise the light, and don't trip on the perliite, I used the same shit on mine and they're doin sweet. Urs, theyre still young so u can transplant if u want, but it Looks like the heat got to em a little bit, and u may have overwatered. If u haven't overwatered, then look into the ph. Like i said, i doubt it's the perlite, even if it's mg, i mean its got npk ratings of 0.04!? Ur not gonna burn a plant with that, its when u start usin the mg tomato food thats lik 18-18-24, that u start to scorch them. It's cuz the N source in mg is UREA which has to be broken down by the plant for it to even get the available N from it. That's when pepes run into trouble. They feed em once and don't notice anything, so they keep feedin em till they do. Lots of times these people don't realize that most mg products are a time released crystal, that releases the nutes every time u water, thus miracle burn. I, and a lot of other peole on this site will tell u to get a good ORGANIC FERT and ph it to the proper level before u give it to ur plants.


The other two are nearly in the same stage as the big 3 and I have not used Clearex on them yet. Is there anything I can do, or do these look normal and do the look ready to harvest? Any help is much appreciated, see attached photos and thanks in advance!!


The rootzone is too wet or has become stagnant or an anaerobic bacteria has invaded the soil-less mix. You will get high Female rates if you give the seedlings from the start a high nitrogen diet.