Pics. Pre-harvest flush or not?


New Member

Basically, any of you guys think it's time to flush? Or feed for another week then flush.

Blue cheese . Or so I was told could just be a regular cheese . Clone from buddy


New Member
Havnt got scope or magnifying glass. This is my 2nd grow
still learning/getting all the 'proper' tools. Ph/scope etc

thanks for replying


Active Member
just go out and buy i scope then you will know for sure. You will need to by one anyways pal might aswell be now when you need it


New Member
Those dont look done to me, close, but not ready.
I would bet you need a few more weeks on those.
When I meet a new grower who asks, is it time to begin flush/harvest,
I always say "If your unsure, give em 2 more weeks".
Generally its sound advice and works out well for them.
Flowering times are not always what you expect, and if you ever question yourself "is it time", its prob not.

Give em a few more weeks, and from that, decide when you think its time to flush and harvest.

They look REALLY good.
Kinda like this Recon pheno I used to grow.


New Member
Thanks guys. Going to buy a scope tomorrow for sure. Like candle said might aswel now when I need it most. As of now I'm planning to feed for one more week then start to flush