Pics on Day 17, How Am I Doing?


Active Member
Just wondering how I'm getting on, my first grow, not too sure when I should start using nutes.

They smell bloody lovely! Using a 600w HPS. There's a picture of my grow room too.

Please comment!



Active Member
cheers dude! I know I'm growing in soil, so there should be enough nutes to sustain them for a while, but if I wanted to give them a boost you think using nutes now would be too much?


Active Member
Cheers! And yes it's soooo addictive! I just want to have so many more plants everywhere! =D


Active Member
Asquad it's just aluminium foil.

I like how your training yours vybz05, I thought about tie-ing mine down too but I'm not sure if I'm going to see that much more of a yield. What do you think?

My leaves use to point upwards but now they are drooping, do I need to water more?


Well-Known Member
bro u should definately LST... super easy, and check out how many main colas im gonna have..

2010-09-24 00.17.23.jpg2010-09-24 00.18.07.jpg2010-09-24 00.17.13.jpg2010-09-24 00.17.19.jpg

just be careful when they get bigger and that stalk gets thick... and dont use fishing line. 2010-09-22 13.27.24.jpg


Active Member
okay, I'll definitely give that a shot then, bit worried about snapping them like you did though, considering mine are like 6 inches tall now you think I should start bending them down a little bit at a time rather than full on trying to bend them other right away?


Well-Known Member
hell ya start the lst on them... just be careful to go with less intense bending as they get bigger, the main growth tip and about 4 inches below it are very tender, past that the stalk will be quite thick, so pretty much there is a fulcrum point of breakage that you have to find, my broken branch pic is a good example, if i were to have tied down further before the break, then chances are i would have never broken it, but i was lst trigger happy and thought my plants were hulks...