Pics of where I'm at looking for feedback!!

So my girl has been outside a while and she's loving it. I think she's preflowering and has just showed me her first pistil but it looks green. Looking for feedback, and also wondering how you think she looks. Her leaves are creased upwards a little bit I'm not too worried because she kinda fluctuates and there's been a lot of rain. I might add some epsom salt just to be safe, but I haven't really fed her much either, just a tiny tiny bit of MG really early on. Ever since she's been outside she's been great!

So what do ya'll think she's healthy? Or should I look into fixing those leaves? She seems to stand up nice and perky on sunny days, it's kinda cloudy and windy today so she'd not so happy...

*EDIT* Forgot to mention, that pistil is at the top most newest node, and there are many other preflowers throughout the next couple nodes down...



Well-Known Member
Looks happy as can be. Keep doing what you do. Stick with it and post results, good or bad. No one completes these things anymore.
Yeah I'm guilty of that. I've started threads on this plant and her sisters but just let them die and started new ones. I'll keep this one alive and let ya'll know how she progresses!
She looks great, stop worring and relax. That is new growth not pre-flower.
I'm pretty sure this isn't new growth. There is already a node and a shoot coming from the stem there. This is right next to the stipule and located where the calyx would normally be. It's also showing a hair that's similar to another thread I've seen, and turned out being female.

Bump for more opinions?