Pics of Space from the repaired Hubble Telescope


Well-Known Member
With all of that, how can we be the only ones?

Thanks for the pics!!!:clap:
It blows my mind trying to imagine how big these really are.

Note: I keep thinking of Goku's hands when he performs a kamehameha attack when I look at the first pic:



Well-Known Member
I like these ones. They bring up so many questions, I can hardly believe how big it really is out there.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
It could be endless & that's the beauty of it. As long as we can wonder the universe will always provide plenty for us to wonder about. Nice comparsion w/ Goku. DragonballZ is a great anime...lots of positive messages in that series.


Well-Known Member
first one is a butterfly.,.,beutiful.,.,i must tune up i space bo0ts now and take a lo0k for iself.,.,*SPHRHR+ THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN SPEAKING,.,.,PLEASE XTINGUISH ALL CIGERETTES,WE ARE GOING ON A TRIP TO VENUS AND MARS.,.,.,.,.,WATCH YOUR HEAD ON THE STARS.,.,.LOL.,.,LOVELY

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
first one is a butterfly.,.,beutiful.,.,i must tune up i space bo0ts now and take a lo0k for iself.,.,*SPHRHR+ THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN SPEAKING,.,.,PLEASE XTINGUISH ALL CIGERETTES,WE ARE GOING ON A TRIP TO VENUS AND MARS.,.,.,.,.,WATCH YOUR HEAD ON THE STARS.,.,.LOL.,.,LOVELY
Haha your funny as hell man
You jamican?


Well-Known Member
no but most my peoples is.,.,im a rasta.,.not kevin kostner.,.,im a dreadlock and not a baldhead like uncle fester.,.,natty dreads no jester.,.lol.,.,.,


Well-Known Member
wow those are awesome, never been into space and that stuff but wow how we have moved forward. that thing can see so far. Next stop distant pace travel and growing pot on mars.
Fuck YES! Astronomy is the shit! A Friend of mine stole the national geographic encyclopedia of space from school for my birthday. Best present ever.
It amazes me when people ask stupid questions like "do you believe life exists outside of earth?" Of course it does man. Just think about it; every one of those little star fuckers you see in the images is just like our own sun man, meaning they alll have there own set of planets; and like our solar system, they probly have at least one life supporting planet..... And theres like trillions of stars out there, man, so Its basicly like common sense to believe in like E.T's en shit.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Have you guys ever heard of the drake equation? basically it is a formula that estimates the possibility of extraterrestrial life based on the variables you set. it's pretty cool, my high school sci-fi teacher had us use the equation and we came up with answers ranging from 3-1,000,000+ alien civilizations.

check it out:

I honestly believe that if we are the only life in the universe or are the most technologically advance it would make for a sad, sad universe