pics of my plants input!

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
IMG165.jpgIMG239.jpgIMG243.jpgIMG245.jpgIMG250.jpgIMG251.jpgIMG252.jpgIMG253.jpgIMG256.jpg so these are my 2 plants, first one is unknown strain, second one is purple kush and the last is a pk clone that didnt work worth shit..tell me anything i need to know and more.. haha
No offense buddy, but they look pretty stressed out to me. A couple of them look like they're getting eatin, and the other looks like she would run away if she wasent tied to a stick. And whats up with the plant in the pick with the bic next to it? Did you try and provide it with light from the flame of the bic?

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
no lol u kidding me. i was taking a bong hoot my smokin spots in my greenhouse haha and thats where the clone was.


Well-Known Member
My unknown Strain and yours look almost exactly the same.......And your purple kush kinda looks like my adult Unknown Strain So this is kinda interesting, how old is the purple kush?

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
its planted the same day as my other one.. the one just grew way bigger than the other, my smallest was a male flowered a week ago.. still waitin on females just topped it yesterday.