Pics of my plant help please


Well-Known Member
heres some pics of my plant....permalink

okay people i am a newbie, i have just been gave a euforia plant and its about 6 inch tall.. i have a closet setup.
i only have 1 plant with a 13,000 loomen cfl above it. (200w)
i have no neutrients as i just got the plant a hour ago.
its my first grow!!
i have moisture meter,light meter,
ph meter, and a thermostat at 70?80 F'
i am using normal house hold tap water?? my plant is under the light 18/6 for now, its a light green colour and thin??????????? HELP MATE



Well-Known Member
totally inadequate lighting or light positioning or both have lead to severe stretching. Start again.


Well-Known Member
Horrible stretching. Bury it to the first set of leaves if you can. Move your lights closer.


Well-Known Member
yeah my mates had it on window sill till i got it tday and put it under light.... so is this plant fucked!!


Well-Known Member
Okay, First off. Welcome to RIU, second. Slowwww down mate... haha relax. This is a chill spot. Anyways first things first. Yank all those testers out of ur soil haha. Only put them in when you wanna test :). Now Ur cfl is fine. Make sure it is 6500K. And use 2700K for flowering. You will prob have better luck inverstin in a few cfls. And keep them about 2" away from ur plant. Unless the temp is to hot. Tap water is fine, But let it sit out for 24hr before using it. It will nutrulize it.


Well-Known Member
The plant is not fucked by any means. Just buryin it to the first set of leaves. Get a few more cfls and put them about 2" away. Put ur hand on ur plant and if u cant keep it there without the lights burning it its perfect.


Well-Known Member
The plant is not fucked by any means. Just buryin it to the first set of leaves. Get a few more cfls and put them about 2" away. Put ur hand on ur plant and if u cant keep it there without the lights burning it its perfect.
I have to disagree as to bury the plant to the first set of leaves he would need a very deep pot and the likelihood would be the stem would rot before recovery took place.


Well-Known Member
thanks mate,, so how do i bury a stem that long and fradgile without snapping it?? yea i wasnt planning on getting a plant tnight it just happend..
im waiting for some super skunks off attitude comming!!


Well-Known Member
depending on his stem couldn't he bend it? Like kind of wrap it around the pot under the soil? know what i mean? it looks pretty flimsy and not to stiff so bending it shouldnt be to hard?


Well-Known Member
depending on his stem couldn't he bend it? Like kind of wrap it around the pot under the soil? know what i mean? it looks pretty flimsy and not to stiff so bending it shouldnt be to hard?
Stretching causes hollow, fragile stems.


Well-Known Member
this is true.. forgot about that. Lol i was just pissin in the wind seeing if we could help the guy haha.


Well-Known Member
try burying half the stem, and LSTing the rest of the plant... wouldn't hurt... and the stem is sooooooo thin it's almost beggin for it!!


Well-Known Member
ya man, dont just toss the plant, you cant get any worse then it is so just try some stuff. Might get lucky :)


Well-Known Member
try burying half the stem, and LSTing the rest of the plant... wouldn't hurt... and the stem is sooooooo thin it's almost beggin for it!!
you cant lst a plant like that. Please would everyone stop guessing at what should be done.

Op, it is not worth the time and effort. Sorry but thats how it is, I speak from nearly 20 years indoors growing experience.


Well-Known Member
Yes i agree you have more experience. But why would he toss a plant instead of testing some stuff? I mean its not dead? at least play it out somewhat?


Well-Known Member
Yes i agree you have more experience. But why would he toss a plant instead of testing some stuff? I mean its not dead? at least play it out somewhat?
Because its all about return on investment, to use a poker phrase. All the time he invests on trying to fix a 1 in 100 long shot wont help in the long run. Learning about how to fix a really badly stretched plant wont be of any use as the lesson to learn from this is never let a plant get like this in the first place ( I know you were given it op). Im sure I could save it but it will forever be using its energy to try and get to health rather than thriving. Over and out...