Pics of my first grow


Well-Known Member
OK. So the 48" at t-12's? What are t-5's then?

I'm looking at a 400 Hps light. I get a rather large Christmas bonus at work so I figure I'll upgrade the lights then. I assume a 400 watt system in my cabinet will make it much hotter. Its a plywood box 50" wide, 48" high & 20"deep.

I also get a couple weeks off at Christmas time so maybe if I'm going to buy a larger light I could make the canabit ((giggle.. get it.. like cabinet but for weed)) Im a loser.

IF I was to ge ta 600 watt light, how large a cabinet could I build? I have a 50 cfm fan that I want to put in. FOr the size of the cabinet Im planning, I think that would work for sure on a 400 watt system. Maybe the 600's too much?

Any advise?


Well-Known Member
i would get a 400 watt conversion metal halide runs hotter than high pressure but u can get your veg time down to 2 or 3 weeks have plants 14-18 inches tall going in to flowering and they will double in height in veg the mh should be at least two feet off the top of the plants and flowering should be at least 14 inches off the top of the plants that system will work good for up to 6 plants max u would have to build a new cabinet for a 600 it would be to hott this is probably the cheapist and most effective light u can get for ur money a complete kit i have the same one and it works great!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Forgot to close off this thread.

The camera crapped out so no pics, but I ended up with 3 mason jars (500 ml each) The first one was smoked way too early. Nice sativa buzz but crappy flavour. The other 2 jars I have been curing for a few weeks & they are sticky & yummy. Body buzz from the N.L.

Started new grow with pics. Upgraded the lights, fan & soil so we'll see what happens :)

Thanks for playin & hope to see you on the next one.

Later gaters