Pics of my 2nd indoor grow


Active Member
hey everyone who views this.... here are some pics of a couple girls outta the 5 i have... they are at the end of 2nd week fowering... used 400MH for veg and using 400hps for flower... notice in some of the pics there are black on the leaf tips and help on that would be great.. i have been using iguana juice and only iguana juice through out the whole show so far.... dont know what strain they are :cry:.. (the orange tinge on the leafs is from the hps light and my flash from the camra).... ENJOY :blsmoke::eyesmoke:

PS. no bashing please is only my 2nd time growing... help and pointers would be much appreciated



Active Member
jesus of cannabis to answer your question no i am using sunshine mix #4 for my soil.. i dont know anything about hydro.. lol ya they are short little guys eh about a foot maybe reachin a a foot and a half haha.. dont have very much room in the room to go taller :(

some short little thangzzz.

Looks good for 2nd week of flowering, are you using hydro?