Pics of my 2 first ladies


Well-Known Member
Whow!!!!! Look at the size of that nug man. Love it pal. She is big now. cant wait to see what she looks like when you finally crop her.

Your drying box set up is top notch bar nun. I am taking notes for when i come to do mine....


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dan.

I got the idea from another post but have adapted it alot.. The thing to remember Dan is that the fan you fit to the bottom of you box should be sucking air into the box and the one mounted at the top on the other side needs to blow air out.

If you get those 2 things right the rest is just carrying boxes to your house lol.



Well-Known Member
Looks brutal J lad. But im defo going to do it to mine from what ya Lady looks like. How tall are the Cheese? The pic's look great man, shows how much to take off. And i have noted your info in my diary on the box about the fans. But i'll prob take a look at your other thread when i come to do mine cos im going to do them the same way you have.


Well-Known Member
It is
The first time i done it to the lady i thought i had done too much now i realise i could have done more again still.
The cheese girls are around 12 to 18 inches tall.

When i first had them they were around 8 inches tall and have grown loads in the couple of weeks that i have had them.

It would be worthwhile just doing this to a couple as you can take too much and stunt the plant. Plus you dont want to fuck up all of them on your first grow.

I'd try it on my 1 of each different strain you are growing.
The armageddon should respond well to this kind of cleaning.

If you want me to do you a full schematic on the dry box power adaptor fans etc then just say bro and i will write everything down for you.

But its pretty self explanatory in my Dry box thread.



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah that would be of some great use to me J. And also how much do you think i should be taking off to start on my girls. I will take some photos of just 1 when i do it and you can let me know if i need to take more off or not.


Well-Known Member
not sure how much LST'ing youve done ... are you still LST'ing them now??

trim about a third to begin with but only after around 2weeks of 12 12 you want to see where the lower bud sites are that wont be benefiting from light because of the canopy and take off the buds. depending on the shape of ur plants you maybe cutting of entire nodes like in my pics. but dont worry and give each plant time to recover.

REALLY ANAL ADVICE COMING UP (so Dan you'll love this)

After every cut that is made you must clean your cutters with rubbing alcohol the kind you get from the chemists.
Think of yourself as a surgeon he would sterilise his tools after each operation. Each new cut is a new operation ..

Told you it was anal lol



Well-Known Member
Great info mate. Dr Dan, plant surgeon.... lol No more LSTing now, depends on how tall they get in flower, might do some then but i'll have to wait and see. But most likely thats it for the LST. Anyway yeah i will defo do that...... what is the rubbing alcohol called?


Well-Known Member
Alright Everyone

Dan here are the pics i promised of the cleaned up pics side by side.

I have chosen the one that seemed the most brutal to show you the difference.

Pic1 is straight after cleaning
Pic2,3,4 have been taken 5mins ago and show the same plant as in pic1 since i cleaned.

tried to take a few different pics to show you how it has taken off.




Well-Known Member
F-ing hell J. They really have taken of ant they! they have well grown since you cleaned up the bottoms. And that has happened in the last week....nice you have a few good budding sites too by the looks of things. Oh i cant wait for mine to go in to flower And im defo taking a leaf out of your book ( never mind the pun ) and cleaning mine up when there ready.


Well-Known Member
try and keep some without being cleaned to see what happens.

i now realise that when i FIM'd my big girl i actually topped her by mistake , with the BBC girls they havent had anything accept cleaning and the way the bud sites are developing it looks like the one in the pics above is gonna be one huge bud!!!


Well-Known Member
i have just found a harlequin ladybird on my window sill so ive scooped it up and it is now nestled in some shade in one of my BBC girls . moistened some soil for it to have a drink..

ive named it the TERMINATOR ready to take down anyone in its path..



Well-Known Member
updated Nug pic.

The battery is a AAA sized one

Again my digital cam is so shit its unreal lol.

When i harvest i think i will borrow the father in laws cam he has a Digital SLR so i should be able to get some real good pics with it.





Well-Known Member
also thought i would add that this is not the biggest nug on the plant but the batteries died before i could take any more pics of the nugs lol.
the biggest is about twice the size of that one.

More pics to follow on monday evening



Well-Known Member
The nug look's sweet J, be sure to post some more pics of the larger ones. Not long now until harvest day for her... Cant wait to see the final produce.
