Pics. Lower leaves gone!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is my one and only girl. She is almost 3 months old and at first she was not getting enough sun. We recently moved her and now she is on her way to getting me some bud. Can you guys just give me an overall grade on this baby. yield? look healthy? leaves ok? etc. etc. just pick her apart i am open to criticism.



Well-Known Member
ok assholes i meant really how my plant is looking healthwise. can i get a pro in here maybe to tell me what went wrong or is going wrong. And i had just watered it with miracle grow. I know it is very immature for its age but i didnt have it in an area where it was getting enough sunlight. It has come a long way since these past two weeks. anyway can i get a pro to come in here and give me some more tips?


Well-Known Member
Umm " just pick her apart i am open to criticism."
They gave you their criticism and you call them assholes.

the truth is for 3 months that plant is very small and underdeveloped.
By 3 months it should be 3-4ft tall


Well-Known Member
lol thats how much leaves my 2 weeks plant have. that thing is too stretch fill the pot up with soil


Active Member
Over watered. transplant using a store bought soil and add some perlite. do not water ur plant until the soil is dry at least 1/3 from top.


Well-Known Member
wait all you guys say that i should transplant? is it not possible for me to fill that can up with soil and just keep feeding it with miracle grow? Or will putting it in the ground and then doing that be better? and the reason it is so immature is that it was not getting enough suna dn i just relocated.


Well-Known Member
if your so sure of what your talking about, why then would u ask our advice???? your plant is plainly not doing well, the feedback your getting has all been quite accurate, and constructive....

best of luck to you and your plant..


Well-Known Member
this plant is about 3 months old (indoors tho :P)

your plants growing medium shouldn't be that wet, even after you just water, the soil should be able to absorb all you give it.

I am an experienced grower, and as said before, I would transplant that baby and fill up he pot with more soil. If you slowly pour the water on when watering/feeding the soil should absorb all you give it, if it's 'overflowing' or waterlogged then you're giving it too much and/or you won't need to water it again until it has nearly fully died out (not the top of the soil, but all the way to the bottom of the pot is dry)


Well-Known Member
Only use a 1/4 tsp of Mircle Grow per gallon of fresh water or you'll risk burning the thing with too much nutes, Kinda already looks like you did on lower leaves. Make sure pot has enough drainage.
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Well-Known Member
you can save her? i swear i would completly change the soil it's in. if your on a budget buy even some cheap potting soil, mix in some perlite($2 at wallyworld). very , very gently remove her w/o breaking the roots, dip her in some distilled water, i would rinse all the dirt off as possible, this must be done w/ kind hands!! buy some schultz take root ( i just used schultz as an example, their are others as good or better, but schultz you can buy at wallyworld), get a paper plate put the take root on the plate, enough to coat your roots and i'd even put some on the stalk about 4 inches up cus you should transplant it as deep as you can covering the 4"'s or so that the take root is on the stem. water it in genly as was suggested earlier, let the soil abosorb slowly. i water till i see alittle coming out the bottom. i never go more than 1/8 strenght on fertilizer. you can save her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
see this is what i was looking for. I dont really feel like i can transplant it thought cause i am kind of a populated area and what you dont realize is that is dug into a hill so people cant see it. I will add some more soil though and keep you updated. more pics coming.


Well-Known Member
also negative luarg it was nitrogen deficiency that killed those leaves. atleast i am pretty sure. nit. def. fit the clues.


Well-Known Member
too much N can also kill the leaves and per your responses it sounded to me that your giving alittle too much miracle grow but you know better than i. I was at first with mine. I was following directions on the box till I started seeing dying leaves, so dropped the strength down to 1/4 tsp per gallon and my plants pick-up nicely.


Well-Known Member
no that was literally the 2nd time i had given my plant miracle grow. so i dont think it could have been nute burn. and by the way it is raining a shit ton here and that is why my plant is overwatered. I will post some more pics in a few days and i want you guys to give me some more feedbac. I think you will be suprised.