(PICS) Its always something (PICS)


Active Member
Can anyone tell me what is going on here. The young leaves are coming out all deformed. I had been putting some stuff to kill fungus gnat larvae last week and my theory is that the stuff messed with the pH. It's been about three days since I've used the stuff and I've been using 5.8 pH water with 600 ppm nutes. 600 hps Light is about 20 inches away. Is this bad?



Well-Known Member
I don't think light is the Issue. 600hps is fine, better to use M/H for vegg. probably something you put on those babies. I would flush them out with water. They look weird though. Good luck


Active Member
In rockwool, I got these clones 2 weeks ago. I'm using problend nutrients. Yea they are freaky looking they have been that way since the start. They tend to grow one big leaf instead of the normal seven smaller ones. Are they gonna make it? They have been doing fine till a couple days ago.


Well-Known Member
In rockwool, I got these clones 2 weeks ago. I'm using problend nutrients. Yea they are freaky looking they have been that way since the start. They tend to grow one big leaf instead of the normal seven smaller ones. Are they gonna make it? They have been doing fine till a couple days ago.
Wait until it starts to show some new proper tops and then fimm it a bit on the new tips.
This will cause new and more stable growth if your lucky.
It is probably either due to stress or the fact that its from a plant thats been over cloned:blsmoke:


Active Member
So if its been stressed from I don't know what. Is there still a chance they can recover? The brand new growth looks ok I think...still to early to tell.


Well-Known Member
When you get some proper new nodes coming through fimm them and the new growth should become normal and give you more tops:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
stress leaves, most commonly seen when revegging flowering plants.

going on a whim here, but did you take those clones in flower? and then flower before they started growing well?


Well-Known Member
Hi Bud, I'm a noob but I can tell you for sure that a 600hps is not a good idea at 20" until they are a little bigger. More like 36" away, and then bring it down a inch every other day. How close you get it in the end will depend on your grow room i.e. fans, temps, extraction etc. (do the heat test on the back of your hand) Were they always under the 600hps or recently switched from a cfl? Also consider that 600ppm is to much in nutes, if you have addetives in there it may be ok. I would think that you want to be around 300ppm at that stage, which leads me to my last question, could we see a pic of the whole plant, so we get an idea on size?
What did you use to tread the pests?

Good luck mate,


Well-Known Member
Thanks natmoon. But what does "fimm them" mean?
hey buddy best of luck with your plants, im not sure whats the problem. anyways im not sure what fimm means but i do know what FIM means, its an acronym for Fuck I Missed. FIM means to cut the top bud 80% off. its almost like topping a plant but you leave 20% of the top growth shoot(?) it leads to multiple tops of you plants, ive heard up to eight new tops. you can search FIM on rollitup or anywhere search engine. ok well i did a little searching for ya ckeck this out The Cannabis Cultivation GrowFAQ - The Internet Hub for Marijuana Cultivation - What is the FIM pruning technique? or

Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos good luck with your growings my friend. God bless everyone:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey ejl, I looked at your other posts. Am I correct in assuming that we are talking the same plants here? If yes, then you got a lot of advice and not a lot of good advice at that. Telling you to water every 3 days in hydro is more in line with soil, certainly not with hydro.

If you are planing on saving these you should start by looking at the Hydro grow guide!!!

Get them away from the 600 hps (either raise to around 36" or preferably cfl's until (if) they recover)
Next, flush the nutes out (24 to 48 hours ph5.8, don't worry there are more then enough nutes in your medium for now)
Next, let us know your grow specs in detail (you can find info on that in the grow faqs)
From your posts it seems like these clones were already in flower when they were taken, are the clones sexually mature? (Are there fully developed pistils?) If they are then it is completely normal for them to take several weeks to revert back to veg, before you would see new growth.

You may be fighting a loosing battle here, with everything that has gone wrong so far! It would probably be a good idea to start some new clones or seeds at this point, just so you won't loose so much time if your current clones do not pull through.

Good luck mate,



Well-Known Member
man 600 watts is plenty!!! are you sure its weed! it looks pretty fucked up to me lol if your sure it is then bud forever could be right. get some good ventilation tooo.


Well-Known Member
man 600 watts is plenty!!! are you sure its weed! it looks pretty fucked up to me lol if your sure it is then bud forever could be right. get some good ventilation tooo.
Hi farmer joe, 600hps will kill any seedling at the distance he's got it, kind a like putting a newborn in the bright afternoon sun:-?


Active Member
Hi everyone thanks for your replies. I am getting new growth now out of the top of the plants that had the twisted curling leaves. The new growth looks promising and it is even 5 leaf formations instead of one big leaf. I was thinking about something and I think one of you guys was right. I noticed that when I first got the clones the new baby leaves growing in had lots of crystals. I think the shop I got the clones from had them on the wrong light cycle and they started to flower. THen I took them home and put them on a 18/6 light cycle. They slowly had to go back into veg. I think they are going to be ok now. Will they produce less because they were put into flowering for a little while?