PICS included my yellow spot prob


Well-Known Member
heres my blue cheese at 9 days old notice the yellow kinda brown marks , im using good soil and i just started giving it nutes today so its not nutrient burn and i dont think its from my lights either , i really need help here guys thanks



Well-Known Member
it could be of two things, bugs infestation or signs of mal-nutirents...

and any other signs showing?

how often do u water?


Well-Known Member
i looked for bugs and no bugs, i just started adding nutes today, i water it when the dirt on top is crusty so like every other day maybe , i dont think i overwater


Active Member
Because your plant is only 9 days old, I would say it was a Maganese. Can't say for sure. But I would say it was definitely a nutrient problem. My solution is to mix some garden lime into your soil before you water to neutralize the soil. Don't use hydrated lime. People have messed up there plants using it. I haven't had many nutrient problems, so take my advice for what it is. It usually works for me.

Also, I wouldn't give such a young plant any nuts until it was at least 3 weeks old. You need to allow the root system to grow. And a undeveloped root system more likely to burn than a developed one. Good Luck! I hope everything works out.


Well-Known Member
do you think it might be cuz my soil ph is too high , i think its somewhere between 7 and 7.5 i dont have a digital ph meter, if it is too high i have garden sulfur i can put in it i heard that works good , how much garden lime would i put in the soil?? thanks man


Well-Known Member
What type of soil are you using? A lot of potting soils come pre-fertilized which can still be too hot for small mj plants. I wouldn't add anything to that soil and just water for the next while. Adding stuff now can sometimes just create more problems.


Well-Known Member
im using organic soil with no nutes in it , it has peat moss, perlite , chicken shit (seriously) and it said it has dolomite lime for the ph , so i dont know what the prob is thanks guys i like all the help i can get


Active Member
Garden sulfur, if that's what you have and it works good then use it. With the garden lime you should use 2-4 tbsp per plant. Since your plants are still small I would use probably 2 teaspoons. Chicken shit is something I never heard of going in the soil so maybe that could be the cause? Did it come already in the soil or did you add it yourself?


Well-Known Member
Chicken shit in your soil mix is pre-fertilized. I would imagine that chicken shit is very high in Nitrogen. I would just water for a while and not add any nutes to it till it grows more.


Well-Known Member
the chicken shit haha that's funny came in the soil I would never put chicken shit in my soil I just don't like the way it feels haha. Thanks guys


Active Member
I agree with demonic1. Just give it some time and everything should be okay. If it progressively gets worse than worry. Good Luck