pics from today,will they be ready in time?


Well-Known Member
i have some pics of my NLxunknown.. and when i went to see them after the 3 hour hike i noticed that there pretty early into i have a question for you..will they be ready in time???....or should i go up there and chop them by the 30th cause where i live it gets really cold by November 5th



Well-Known Member
those look like they are only a month old. they need another month and a half.. let them go as long as you can.


Well-Known Member
ull prolly have to take er early if u were wantn to wait for amber trichomes id say by a week or two. jus my guess.


Well-Known Member
hopefully they speed up and finish ive had them in the ground since may...but i started them from see time around ill be starting in march but ill let them veg for 4 weeks before letting them outside


Active Member
hopefully they speed up and finish ive had them in the ground since may...but i started them from see time around ill be starting in march but ill let them veg for 4 weeks before letting them outside

If you're starting from seed, try to germinate them and get them started in a little pot under a florescent. Get them about 6-12" tall before putting them in the ground and you will have much much larger plants.


Well-Known Member
If they've been in the ground since May, I'm guessing you just planted in native soil and your spot has very little sunlight. They're quite small and looks like you'd be lucky to get an 1/8th.

I'd definitely leave them til the end of Oct.

Master Yoda420

Active Member
I've got the same issue with my two plants (that I've been taking tender care of since mid-May). I've been growing two "Early Girls" and mine are still flowering as well (and I'm up in Canada!)...I don't know what to do either with mine. We got a light frost last night too..

We've had 12 hours light since Sept 5th or so..

Shouldn't they be budding by now ?


PS. mine are 6 feet tall ! lol


Well-Known Member
If they've been in the ground since May, I'm guessing you just planted in native soil and your spot has very little sunlight. They're quite small and looks like you'd be lucky to get an 1/8th.

I'd definitely leave them til the end of Oct.
:clap: Agreed.
Just check for strain on the plant. You'll need to measure the plant top to bottom and measure three to five branches that you can remember. Write it down. I use a small notepad. This way you can go back and measure again in a week or so. Do this repeatedly to notice a grow "pattern". Once you have that you should have a great idea of when the plant stops growing and when it is under stress. Stress symptoms include but not limited to- Dark leaves, Stunted growth, Poor nutrient circulation... shown in stalk by touch. Instead of feeling rough it will feel very soft. Hope this helps. Oh. If you're planning on doing the outdoor thing next year.. I suggest going to the hardware or gardening store and getting a soil test kit to show you the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in your soil. This is the number one mistake made by new outdoor gardeners. To fix this you will have to nute the shit out of it... or... use buckets. Buy some fox farm soil. Get the plants to about 8 inches inside then move them to the pots. They should do great with minimal nutes. But they do help if you wanna use them. Buy a light meter as well. I have an all in one that does moisture, Light, and PH. It's a life saver. Get one use it.


Active Member
somethings not right if their that old, and a three mile hike for tiny plants like those, im sure i would shoot myself.


Well-Known Member
Man.....those are some small ones if growing since May!! Here's my plant on 8/14 and then how she looks today. PICT0598.jpgPICT1099.jpgPICT1100.jpgCopy of PICT1059.jpgPICT1098.jpgPICT1101.jpg


Well-Known Member
are you fucking kidding me? those just started flowering, they have a month at the VERY least to go.
pretty sure smokey ment that if the OP plans to stick it out and wait as long as he can for the trichs to mature...he'll still have to chop a few weeks early.


Well-Known Member
op here...yes im gonna stick it out....but whats weird is my friend is having the same issue with his..his plants are like 4 feet tall and big and bushy but they look to be about 3 weeks flowered aswell...ohhwell time to get ready for indoor growing anyway had way better results with my micro as shown in pics below



Well-Known Member
but im not gonna give up...ill try harder next year with more seeds and starting indoors for the first 4 weeks...also way better soil