PICS!! First grow - indoor cfl. Comments please!


Active Member
Alright troops!

This is my first grow, some Shiva Shanti, soil grow with High Output CFL system (250W Blue light spectrum with a 250 Red waiting for flowering stage).

I'm growing in a small indoor cupboard in the UK and I'm wondering whether I should start flowering now or give it a few weeks. Any suggestions/thoughts?

Can any of you see any males or females yet?

Here they are at 6 weeks. I've topped one as an experiment.




[email protected]

Well-Known Member
Alright troops!

This is my first grow, some Shiva Shanti, soil grow with High Output CFL system (250W Blue light spectrum with a 250 Red waiting for flowering stage).

I'm growing in a small indoor cupboard in the UK and I'm wondering whether I should start flowering now or give it a few weeks. Any suggestions/thoughts?

Can any of you see any males or females yet?

Here they are at 6 weeks. I've topped one as an experiment.


looks good. depending on the hieght you have to work with in you cupboard. you might want to switch it over flowering. but it depends on how tall it is. oh but i would wait till they show their preflowers to start flowering.


Active Member
Height is not a problem, I've got from the floor to the ceiling to play with! :o)

Thanks for your tip, I'm going to get a journal started to try to get some guidance from the masters!



Active Member
i got a cfl grow to. i flowered it about 6 weeks and believe me during flowering it grows quik. but if u have the room u should let it grow for a few more weeks. CFL'S RoCk


Active Member
no you seem to be doing good. what are you feeding them?
They're on 1/2 strength Baby Bio feed just now:

NPK: 10.6:4.4:1.7

There were some signs of nute burn on some of the leafs but I think some run-off dripped onto them when I was re-positioning the plants under the light.

Do you think that's enough ro do you suggest increasing the strength?

I've got tomato food ready to go as soon as the flowering starts (2 weeks I think)




Active Member
Here's an update. There's one showing nice white hairs but I'm more worries about a couple that seem to be developing balls.

Up to full strength feed now. I'm tempted to put them into flowering but I'd like to see preflowers first, remove the males and then repot my girls into bigger pots for 2-3 weeks before I finally flower.

What do you think? All comments/feedback appreciated!




Well-Known Member
v healthy looki plants i have to say cfls always do a fine job on vegging, leaves always look so lush and green. the prob my m8 found was that they only seemed to grow to a set height then slowed down?? im considering switching frm my 250w hps to a 250w cfl for my veg save electric, will be watching this one see how it turns out. gd luck :)


Active Member
Thanks for the kind words guys!

The first picture is the one I topped early doors as an experiment and she's coming along nicely.

The 2nd picture is my 1 confirmed (?) female.

Plants 3,4, & 5 seem to be showing wee balls and I'm hoping they are not males.

What do you think? :confused:


Well-Known Member
looking great! Sexing is so nerve wrecking. Im waiting for mine to show the slightest sign of sex and its taking freaking forever!! at least you got one girl! looking great and healthy