pics blue cheese is sick


Well-Known Member
dude 7 is not that bad..seriously what kinda of nutes are you using looks like a calcium def


Well-Known Member
flora nova bloom, but the ph is over 7 so i think thats the prob
my RO water is about that and i grow monster buds.the curled under leaves looks like your waterings are too frequent .let the container get near dry before each watering if you want healthy plants,,plus the lime green on the bottom one tells all and curled under leaves and slow to no growth, roots arent getting enuff oxygen causing pathogen to attack the roots.let it dry out my friend it will recover nicely and jus leave them alone, with with lite air flow like that other guy mentioned. to much care can also kill it, dont add nutes to a sik plant seeing it unable to handle it,,,, also i am doing 15 blue cheese plants mysef,R.


Well-Known Member
Adjust your PH to 6.5 and add some cal-mag into your mix and I think it will straighten you out a bit. Lay off the nutes for a week.


Well-Known Member
i dont have cal mag
i dont think i overwater or overfeed at all, i think its just the ph
so i added some garden sulfur on the top layer of dirt , and i also adjust the ph of my water to 6, so hopefully it wont die
good luck with those 15 blue cheeses send pics
do you guys think my baby is going to die, i would be so upset
i need to find the right kind of soil but its hard around here, i would order fox farm but its like 40 bucks for shipping any suggestins


Active Member
Dude your plants look fine... adjust the ph and things will get better but remember that you have already damaged those leaves so they will be messed up til they eventually fall off but your plants are still young


Well-Known Member
Dude your plants look fine... adjust the ph and things will get better but remember that you have already damaged those leaves so they will be messed up til they eventually fall off but your plants are still young
if its jus the bottom leaves ,i wouldnt worry .all the static the plant gets responds on the bottom leaves first. i got some big ass buds on my plants now , and specaled yellowish lime green leaves on the long as its not spreading to the top. i think your overreacting a bit.i jus checked my RO water and it comes to 6.55 from the jug,,gd.luk


Well-Known Member
to me it looks like a nitrogen defiency, a rule of thumb is, if the bottom of the plant and up starts to yellow, then it's nitrogen defiency.

If you have bio bizz grow, then feed it some of that and it a couple of days I'm sure it will perk up, to me it looks like you have been feeding bloom during in flowering but not feeding grow and now the plant is eating lower plants as food.


Well-Known Member
to me it looks like a nitrogen defiency, a rule of thumb is, if the bottom of the plant and up starts to yellow, then it's nitrogen defiency.

If you have bio bizz grow, then feed it some of that and it a couple of days I'm sure it will perk up, to me it looks like you have been feeding bloom during in flowering but not feeding grow and now the plant is eating lower plants as food.
ive always used light nutes in this ocean forest.. always a bumper me like i said before. it looks like your hold moisture in that core and not drying sufficienly the container before each water,i only been doin this tho for 10 yrs, wat do i know,gd.luk bro.


Well-Known Member
ive always used light nutes in this ocean forest.. always a bumper me like i said before. it looks like your hold moisture in that core and not drying sufficienly the container before each water,i only been doin this tho for 10 yrs, wat do i know,gd.luk bro.

dude why I are you getting so defensive? this is a social grow forum, isn't every opinion valid ? I am suprised doing this for 10 years has not made you more relaxed?

I am not trying to give bad advice, I am just trying to help the guy, so get of your high horse.