pics blue cheese in bud


Well-Known Member
hey guys this is she , and she is about halfway done now
as you all prolly know this is the plant that has given me many problems, there should be prolly 20 more fan leaves on her
had to cut them off because of yellowing and brown spots
but here she is


Nice bro lookin good...I hate when they are tempermental and give me probs. Too much water or nutes maby? Have you found the probs and fixed them?



Well-Known Member
thanks man, yeah it sucks when they dont grow perfectly like you want
i got a lot of suggestions on what is wrong with it and i think it was the ph, but the leaves keep dying and shit so im gonna wait a couple days and see what to do


Well-Known Member
looks a bit different now ed, got some nugs on it :D
still getting more yellowing? did ya try a foliar feed with the other ferts yet?


Well-Known Member
hey whats up buddy how are you
yeah it looks kinda ok , but if you look at it from like 5 feet away it looks georgeous
still yellowing, i foliar fed with the ferts and tried with the epsom, i think its getting better, or it might just be dying
thanks paddy you have a good day