Picking the right Driver

Need some help guys picking a driver. Last build I used HLG-185H-C1400B per 4 cobs but I want to use a bigger driver this time.

What should I use for 4 vero29 gen7 cobs-
Mean Well HLG-240H-C1050B
Mean Well HLG-240H-C1400B
Mean Well HLG-320H-C1400B
Mean Well HLG-320H-C2100B
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Yeah, D's, ~36volt. What wattage did you want to run them at? volt x amp will give you the wattage per cob when wiring them in serial. so the 1400 driver will run them at ~50 watts each, the 2100 ~75 watts and the 1050 at ~35 watts each.

Have to look at the max voltage of the driver to find out how many it can drive at once. The 1400 you listed has max volts of 179, so 179 / ~36 volts is 4.97.. it will drive 5 cobs at 50 watts each.. as the meanwell hlg 240's are slightly underrated, they will do 250 watts (I have a quite a few of them).

the 320 1400 will drive 6 at 50 watts each and the 320 2100 will drive 4 at 75 watts each.
Yeah, D's, ~36volt. What wattage did you want to run them at? volt x amp will give you the wattage per cob when wiring them in serial. so the 1400 driver will run them at ~50 watts each, the 2100 ~75 watts and the 1050 at ~35 watts each.

Have to look at the max voltage of the driver to find out how many it can drive at once. The 1400 you listed has max volts of 179, so 179 / ~36 volts is 4.97.. it will drive 5 cobs at 50 watts each.. as the meanwell hlg 240's are slightly underrated, they will do 250 watts (I have a quite a few of them).

the 320 1400 will drive 6 at 50 watts each and the 320 2100 will drive 4 at 75 watts each.

I want to run them at 50 to 75 watt. I want to be able to dim them to 50watt but be able to turn them up if I want.