Picking Psychedelic Mushrooms

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
Do physcadelic mushrooms grow wildly in Canada? There's a large cow field behind my house. I've read that's what the mushrooms I'm looking for grow best in. Would I be wasting my time or what?

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
The same as with any mushroom, be sure exactly what strain it is. Compare it to the pictures in books, and trusted online pics. Along with a reference for psychedelics, a "regular" mushroom ID book is nice to have too. Paul Stammets, the foremost expert on many mushrooms runs a shop that sells all thing mushroom. >>> http://www.fungi.com/books/fieldguides.html <<<

There really aren't that many poisonous mushrooms... but there are many that will give you intestinal distress and the worst diarrhea you have ever had. Even prime gourmet mushrooms don't agree with some folks.

On a side note.... you might appreciate the movie "Men With Brooms" Leslie Nielson plays a goofy old man who grows Shrooms.


Active Member
Hurts to look. Just grab u a paper bag, roll a joint and put a hat on. Walk slow, smoke and keep your eyes down. Your looking for P.Cubensis I would assume, so youll see a golden to brown/reddish cap, with dark purple to black spores(bottom of the cap), It will be meaty and will bruise a vibrant blue/green where damaged. Take some pics and post them up, ill be more than happy to help u ID them.
check out the link under my sig for my wild hunt videos



Active Member
I was in Texas when i was finding them, july-october, after heavy rains, anywhere from 85-100degrees F*. Best time to go is with the rising sun, the dew on the ground makes them glisten and stand out even more, if you wait until later in the day you risk the chance of finding them dehydrated, dead, or half eaten. Just take ur time, if u look long enough youll find them.. IMO wilds are 10x better than indoor, mother nature is the ultimate gardener.. Good luck man

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
As much as I love this site, I have had quite a bit of experience with mushrooms, and I would say SHROOMERY.ORG is your best bet at answering all of your questions and helping you identify all sorts of mushrooms. It's the RollItUp of mushrooms, and that forum has some really good stuff.

As for what I can guess about your area, is that yes. While it's much colder up there, mycillium can go dormant for a good while and with summer weather & some moisture you should be able to find mushrooms for a short period of time. About now would be the time. The cow pasture provides the grow medium & nutrients necessary for mushroom development. Some spores are even contained within the food that cows are fed (grains, meals, ...). These spores are not psychoactive. The cows can eat this spores, digest them, shit them out along with some quality nutrients and whatnot, and this will all work in tandem to produce a good system of mycillium for mushroom development.

Good luck on your ventures! It's fun. I remember those good ole days!

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