Picking a place to grow legal


Well-Known Member
Can someone help me in deciding the best place to grow is? I was involved in a bad accident in work and can n
O longer do what I once was.. Instead of staying on heavy narcotics I decided to travel to a state to where it is legal to grow and I can make some money without aggravating my injuries so Incan get off the narcotics. Can someone please get back to me with their experiences. Thanks old soul
Sorry to hear about your accident. I commend you for getting off narcs. You can have 6 flowering and 11 veg in Massachusetts. The shops are coming in July 2018. Expensive living here though. Good luck

I will admit I am not totally sure myself but this is in section 7. of the law from https://malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2016/Chapter334

"(2) within the person’s primary residence, possessing up to 10 ounces of marijuana and any marijuana produced by marijuana plants cultivated on the premises and possessing, cultivating or processing not more than 6 marijuana plants for personal use so long as not more than 12 plants are cultivated on the premises at once;
(3) assisting another person who is 21 years of age or older in any of the acts described in this section;"
Co all the way! Cities are expensive and u cant grow a bunch (i think 12 max per household in Co springs). Rural is cheaper and people leave u alone. Small grows do not get unwanted attention because its legal. Esp in the sticks. No one going around counting plants. Of course that is if ur quiet. I hear or read of 'loud' people getting popped almost weekly out here. But those also arent personal grows by a long shot. Hope this helps. I have lived in 4 different states in four very different areas of US....Colorado is by far my fav place. I wanna die here.
Thanks for the help everyone. CO sounds like the spot, although mass is a stones throw away. Anyone have experience with Washington DC or even Washington state. Thanks Doug for the encouragement. These pain meds are the worst thing I was ever put on. I'm past the halfway point so hopefully a month or so to go. Probably one of the worst things to deal with. At the same tie the pain it was masking feels worse now than ever but till I'm off of them completely its just something I gotta deal with. Looking at a camper van tomorrow just to make the move so that's exciting.
You are exactly right it pretty much just takes your mind off of it but I found in other cases that when the pain Isn't So severe it works for pain but the type of pain I have in my wrists will not help by smoking marijuana. The only thing that would help is doing a job that's not so physically demanding. I used to drive and operating a log truck working in the forest a lot of the time alone. I will go on to people's properties and select cut the lumber that would pay the most . If I don't use my wrists real hard I can keep the pain manageable. when I broke them all the ligaments tour and it's just bone against bone when I bend them. I appreciate you looking out though thank you Doug
I hope you find some relief from your issues. I can't recommend a state as I live in a province :-) Come to Canada once we legalize?
ps. I find weed really helps keep inflammation down which can relieve pain.
You are exactly right it pretty much just takes your mind off of it but I found in other cases that when the pain Isn't So severe it works for pain but the type of pain I have in my wrists will not help by smoking marijuana. The only thing that would help is doing a job that's not so physically demanding. I used to drive and operating a log truck working in the forest a lot of the time alone. I will go on to people's properties and select cut the lumber that would pay the most . If I don't use my wrists real hard I can keep the pain manageable. when I broke them all the ligaments tour and it's just bone against bone when I bend them. I appreciate you looking out though thank you Doug


man im having severe upper back pain, painkillers are the only thing allowing me to walk with a straight back otherwise i would be hunching like a old man.
weed does nothing for my back but it does take care of the depression and anxiety you get from not being able to do things you once took for granted

Have you guys looked into cbd oil? It is one of the compounds in weed that doesn't get you high but has a lot of anti inflammatory and calming properties. It's legal as well, you can vape it
WA state you can grow up to 15 plants if your doctor recommends you can ,The bs part you have to go on state registry and law enforcement can check on u anytime or you could join a co op that can grow up to 45 -50 plant count.

man im having severe upper back pain, painkillers are the only thing allowing me to walk with a straight back otherwise i would be hunching like a old man.
weed does nothing for my back but it does take care of the depression and anxiety you get from not being able to do things you once took for granted

I've used CBD heavy strains for back pains before (dabbing), and found them effective sometimes and with some pains. Sadly for me, the only cure is to strenghten my core, which means strenuous exercise, god help me.