Picked up a new piece today


Well-Known Member
So today I paid my bills. Discovered I had a few bucks left over. Yesterday was my 26th birthday and all weekend long I've had the flu so I decided to treat myself and my gf to a new piece. Picked this up at my local shop for 26 bucks. They had a special 20% off sale to celebrate 4/20. Not gonna be able to use it for a while though but hey, whatcha gonna do when a pretty piece stares you in the face and screams BUY ME!



Well-Known Member
Nice looking pipe man, How much can you fit in there? looks like a decent sized bowl. Have you figured out a name for it?


Well-Known Member
Its roughly a dime in diameter and a dime in depth. One of the deepest bowls I have in my collection. I cannot wait to use it.



Well-Known Member
Nice, bet your gonna pack a fat bowl in there when you can eh. I love looking at the swirl on the inside of the chamber.


Well-Known Member
I especially like the way it fits in my hand. And yes. I'm going to pack the fuck out of that bowl as soon as this deep chest cough/inflammation goes away.