photos Help! droppy 1 1/2 month olds, and 2 week olds, yellowing and seedling droppy


Active Member
these two are a month and a half old... one is kush and ones mango i believe i got it from bag seeds... they are droopy i water every other day cause they get really dry but now water seems to go every day,,, they seedlings one is lanky and is turning yellowish with greener in the veins as seen in the pic....seeds from aditt seeds co... alaskan ice which seems to be the weakest grower... and the one turning a yellowish color... the white widow seem to be the best there very green and thick steams and fast grower.... and power skunk is the second fastest normal.. same droppy.. help.....



Active Member
Wow Id say they are OVERDUE for bigger pots, with good soil (nothing with slo release nutes), and

they are water logged.

But the time my seedlings have 2 sets of leaves (thats a little plant), their roots are circling the bottom of a 24 oz cup. that also about the time that water just seems to pour thru, and soil dries out soon.