Photoperiod F***k up!!

So I've had my first crop in flowering for almost four weeks now. Everything was running so very smoothly until last night. We keep our 1000k on at night and off during the day. Unfortunately the one morning I decided to get up early to check the babies, the timer didn't flick the lights off. When I woke up and discovered this four hours late:wall:.

I'm really really hoping that I didn't screw up bad enough to be in danger of hermies. I added a 1/4 tsp of superthrive with their normal feeding for an extra boost of hormones. Crossing my fingers on this one. Anyone experienced this or know how much I have to disturb their photoperiod to run the chance of them growing dicks.:dunce:

Input would be swell. . WW, trainwreck, and purple urkle.


Well-Known Member
i had a similiar thing with my NL (7hours over) because of a faulty timer, jus switched the timer out and put it back to its original lighting schedule and they were fine,
Sweet man. Appreciated. I'm really hoping I don't see negative effects. Things are way to big and way too beautiful to turn into hemies.


Active Member
The hormone that triggers/regulates flowering is controlled by the length of the dark period not the light period (the hormone builds up during darkness and is destroyed by light - flowering won't trigger until that hormone has enough of a dark period to reach a critical level in the plant's tissues). Too long of a 'day' isn't as big of a deal as too short of a 'night'.
That's what I was thinking. Which is why I added a pretty stong dose of superthrive. Hopefully a little hormone replacement will keeps these babies on track. +rep on the info fellas, thanks for the help.
I haven't noticed anything different with their growth yet so I'm hoping they'll be just fine. Flowers are going crazy on these girls.

thanks for easing the pain