Photography question

I like the duck.

ducky was cute
he came up on the deck like right beside maybe an inch away very docile people friendly little ducky
but the price is unbeatable as well as the other stuff that comes with it. even if the accessories are shit, whats in the box is what im after, and a little cheaper than amazon.
ducky was cute
he came up on the deck like right beside maybe an inch away very docile people friendly little ducky
lol people feeding wild animals. so everyday i park for work in the same parking lot a couple blocks away. the squirrels will walk right up to you in the parking lot.. i thought it was insane, friendly squirrels that let you pet them and stuff. well the other day i found out why. some guy comes through the parking lot yelling, TROLLY PUPPIES out his window.. i thought he was insane til i seen him get out with a bag of peanuts and then a bunch of squirrels went up to him for a peanut lol. the parking lot is where the trolleys for downtown park. trolly puppies lmao. i now have a bag of peanuts in my car lol
well shit, im torn between the two! i wish best buy or something was close, because id go in personally and try them both out. so i guess im on website commparisons as well as personal opinions. and sunni your pictures are wonderful. now i need some nikon d shots.
Have a look at Canon or Nikon's catalogs. There should be something around your budget, just shop around you should be able to find an okay camera for that price. Your photos look nice, but they look a tad over edited (idk if that's what you were going for).
i agree. some of it i think has to do with the grain of the camera i was using. not enough pixels, so the images came out a little loud for those types of edit.
well shit, im torn between the two! i wish best buy or something was close, because id go in personally and try them both out. so i guess im on website commparisons as well as personal opinions. and sunni your pictures are wonderful. now i need some nikon d shots.

honestly i am by no means a photographer, ive taken no classes and have had no instruction but the manual everything i do is self taught and i do learn throughout my times taking photos. but the camera is wonderful just sucks lugging those big cameras around
honestly i am by no means a photographer, ive taken no classes and have had no instruction but the manual everything i do is self taught and i do learn throughout my times taking photos. but the camera is wonderful just sucks lugging those big cameras around
You get used to it. Rebels feel like toys in my hands!
Ife got an eos t3i rebel cannabineer.. just finally got a few plants going after getting passed and giving up on my last grow..

I grooved on the sentence "Rebels feel like toys in my hands" ... I flashed on Darth. Didn't want to do the obnoxious.

Glad to hear you've got green on your hands again!!
I got an outdated Nikon D50 with a 18-55 lens on Craigslist for $140. It's old but still takes better pictures than any point and shoot. I wanted to drop a bunch of money on a new one but decided to be a smarter consumer. I'd recommend that route as an alternative as it's worked out well for me.
Cool pictures, but you will get ripped apart on a "photography forum".

They care more about the content then the Photoshop. you could have a blurry picture of the best content ever photographed and it would be better then a crisp clear Photoshop-ed image.
oh and any entry lvl dlsr will give you access to set your own exposure time.

I would say look at the cheapest dslr from whatever brand you like"pretty much the same" Nikon or Canon

Go up one price tier, and spend the rest of your money on a close-up, fast closing portrait lens, maybe a F-2.8 or better

It will be the most versatile lens you need to start out with.

be warned some lenses will cost more then low tier cameras , but lenses are almost as important as the camera
I would say that once you get out of entry level stuff you get more bang for your buck with better glass thana better body.