Photo Challenge-Just For Fun


Well-Known Member
haqhahaha!!!! its a long exposure camera. so the just stood there for a minute and ran away... or it was one dude that sood in all thoes places for a second... but thats probably how people take pics of ghosts?


Well-Known Member
thats cool I didnt know people could have pet racoons... I want one!!! what happen to it?

We got him as a baby....he fell through the ceiling of a porno shop~a friend gave him to a friend, who gave him to me and my exgf...she rehabilitated animals, and we re-habbed him to go into the wild. We taught him how to fish, hunt, scavenge, after bottle feeding him goats milk and eggs....That pic of the tiolet, I was teaching him how to fish a tinfoil ball outta the potty!
Later we would take him to the river, sien net minnows and put them in a small cooler so he could catch them. At first he didnt know what to do with them after he caught them....but he "caught" on quick...
Then one fatefull night we took a canoe trip to let him go...we camped on th river and just let him run free...last time I saw him he was in a tree watching us paddle away....:cry::cry::cry::cry: cheers to Gambit!! Hope he's a Grandaddy by now! Texas hill country is awesome!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh, by the DONT want one!! when they start getting older, they start getting "wilder" and get into EVERYTHING!!!!!! He loved potted plants, and kicking our wolf hybrids ass!!!


Well-Known Member
We got him as a baby....he fell through the ceiling of a porno shop~a friend gave him to a friend, who gave him to me and my exgf...she rehabilitated animals, and we re-habbed him to go into the wild. We taught him how to fish, hunt, scavenge, after bottle feeding him goats milk and eggs....That pic of the tiolet, I was teaching him how to fish a tinfoil ball outta the potty!
Later we would take him to the river, sien net minnows and put them in a small cooler so he could catch them. At first he didnt know what to do with them after he caught them....but he "caught" on quick...
Then one fatefull night we took a canoe trip to let him go...we camped on th river and just let him run free...last time I saw him he was in a tree watching us paddle away....:cry::cry::cry::cry: cheers to Gambit!! Hope he's a Grandaddy by now! Texas hill country is awesome!!!

what a nice story. :peace:


Well-Known Member
We got him as a baby....he fell through the ceiling of a porno shop~a friend gave him to a friend, who gave him to me and my exgf...she rehabilitated animals, and we re-habbed him to go into the wild. We taught him how to fish, hunt, scavenge, after bottle feeding him goats milk and eggs....That pic of the tiolet, I was teaching him how to fish a tinfoil ball outta the potty!
Later we would take him to the river, sien net minnows and put them in a small cooler so he could catch them. At first he didnt know what to do with them after he caught them....but he "caught" on quick...
Then one fatefull night we took a canoe trip to let him go...we camped on th river and just let him run free...last time I saw him he was in a tree watching us paddle away....:cry::cry::cry::cry: cheers to Gambit!! Hope he's a Grandaddy by now! Texas hill country is awesome!!!
this brought a tear to my hardened convict eye, lol j/k. viva la TEXAS. ya'll come back now ya hear!!!!!:mrgreen::grin:


Well-Known Member
hahaha gooed story... that sucsks... I still want one. they look cool... is it legal to keep one as a pet?


Well-Known Member
hahaha gooed story... that sucsks... I still want one. they look cool... is it legal to keep one as a pet?

Is it legal to keep weed? Should it be? We aquired Gambit, man we didnt go looking for him....kinda like an unexpected pregnancy.....
I'll let you decide that question...just dont go walking wildlife on a leash..."owning" front of a Texas Game Warden................hell dont even show a TX Gm Wrdn a FEATHER...................he'll confiscate with impunity!!!
Coons are nothing like a puppy...or a kitten...hardly even a mixture of both. Your question will remain it legal? (No it isnt) Do you want one,? Yea,
But should you ? I've had quite a few "exotic" pets, and it was realy hard to let them go, but I was responsible enough to either "Rehabilitate them to the wild", or get them to a proper facility that can accomodate them.
I now live in an apt...I still want a Tiger/or an Ocelot~~~but should I??
It's kinda like a noobie question that you have heard over and over...

"How many plants can I get out of a 100watt incandecent??"
{probably none....}

Do some research....

Gambit, as soon as he was let out of his "kennel" which was a 3x4x5 foot enclosure, with hammocks and "hidee holes"....would start investigating EVERYTHING....Ripping curtians, bathing in the dishwasher....Yes he would OPEN it! He smelled WATER, figured out how to open the dishwasher..and would ROLL around in it.!!! Once he got in there...the "sparkeling" silverware
mesmerized him....Coons like shiny shit.....he would sit in the dishwasher till we pulled him out....
Cute only goes so far....
How many times did we RE-wash dishes??? Something about the water/heat/noise just made him nuts!!! As soon as the washer turned on...he'd go apeshit trying to get out of his kennel!!

OK...I'm trying to NOT make you want a raccoon...but I swear to gawd...If you have a sound relationship with your siggnificant other....(if you both think you can handle 5 kids at one time)and do not have any valuable glass/artifacts in your WHOLE HOUSE....keep your grow room locked~~~ and HIDE the key....
well...try it..... A raccoon is more funny than 10 toddlers~
But you let that fucker go, unattended for 5''ll remember pencap telling you not to!!!
I'ts like having 5 kids on meth, on X-mas morning.....EVERYDAY!!!........................BOOM!!!
Good luck.........


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA!!! I would get one if somone like put it in my lap and said here, but I'm not going to go searching for one :)
as for exotic pets what kind did you have?


Well-Known Member
Scorpions, Iguannas,Lizzerds..all kinds, a hybrid bobcat, hybrid wolves.....that black dawg? He was a nut cut 3/4 wolf 1/4 shepperd, had a 1/2 n 1/2 Sib husky and Arctic wolf, Gambit tha coon...,Had a lil cat that was supposed to be a "bobcat's" granddaughter...(she was the coolest cat..loved to get high...)An Arctic Fox that shat in the kitty
Didnt realise I'm some kinda Steve Irwin"....have shot at a few alligators...try putting a 14 footer into a 12 foot boat....and having that fucker "Wake up" on the way home....start rolling around in an aluminum boat...we loaded the shotgun and blew 3 more holes in that fuckers head before he laid still..........Talk about a beer run.................

I still want an Ocelot............medium sized kitten....But should I??? Medium = 2ft~

This is "LADY" she loves carrots, bread heels and ...well anything you throw out the front door....If you smell right, she'll try to eat you too...
Gotta love those South Texas "Attack Deer"..............She hates when mt family comes over....tries to attack their cars..." Such a humble animal....who'da thunk it???" That's her......."GRRRRR I DAREya ta fuk w/my carrots " look.... U dont want to!!!

This is our Front yard area...~ We have new BABY coons drinking off of the porch!!


Well-Known Member
OK.................Think I'll Win this Thread RIIIIIGHT NOW!!

Notice the MH Lightning Bulbs....../ My garden pests are WAyyy larger, have to actually shoot them....


Well-Known Member
OK.................Think I'll Win this Thread RIIIIIGHT NOW!!

Notice the MH Lightning Bulbs....../ My garden pests are WAyyy larger, have to actually shoot them....

you win a plate of cookies. cannabutter cookies.:hump::hump:
