
Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Why do you think people have the need to pretend to be something they're not? Like on the internet, for example. All it really is is just a big role playing game. "Real" people are few and far between on here.
Do you think people are so sad in their personal lives that they feel such a need for acceptance they must lie to get it? How can you lie to yourself? There's always that little guy in the background yelling "BULLSHIT!" in the back of one's mind, isn't there? Or do some people not have that?
Why do they try to lie and say they're more educated than they are,and then post and completely expose themselves as liars? Why do they say they make more money,are better at this or that,etc? Do you think they really start to believe their own hype?
For the record, I'm a stay at home mom. I "officially" dropped out in 9th grade,but I haven't actually attended a school since seventh. I was an A student. I went on to get my GED at 19. I wear sweat pants and t shirts and steel toed boots. I am not a big people person, so I avoid a lot of social situations. I have 2 kids. I'm not parent of the year, but I'm not a monster.
I have saggy tits and I'm certainly not skinny. I pluck my chin, because I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (which makes you fat, hairy, and zitty),and no insurance to pay for a hysterectomy. I'm not the best looking person ever, but I'm not the worst. I'm 32. I converse online in the same way I converse in real life with one exception. Since there are rules against personal attacks here,and I like it here, I try not to openly insult anyone. If some of the folks I've strongly disagreed with on here were to argue with me in real life, I'd have most certainly called them a few names,because it's a lot simpler than composing a well thought out, intelligent monologue taking apart each of their points.
Sorry for the long, rambling post, but what's your take? Are you being real here,or do you sometimes gloss it up? Why do you do that? Is it something you do reflexively? Do you feel unworthy of genuine friendship?
Do you feel it's possible to have genuine friendships on the net? Or do you look at it as just pretend?


Well-Known Member
idk I just dont believe anything I hear.I know to many frauds in real life to.
I see you got your GED Im about to take my test next month do you got any tips?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you come across questionable people all day. Its a revolving door that will continue that way aslong as mankind is around.
Take it with a grain of salt is my only Some people need to feel accepted. Hence the bullshit.
Other wise there would be no need to lie.


Well-Known Member
I feel the same way. I find it amazing that some people just feel the need to spew out bullshit constantly to try to be accepted. I always wonder if they realize that most people know bullshit when they see it, or do they just not have that little sector in their brains that alerts them to just shut up so they don't make themselves look like a fool?


Well-Known Member
what whould the world be with out em'everyone wants to be needed in some way,so they make up this"mr,net life":twisted:on a subject that has lil back round, to a lot off people,so what ever a person say's "must be right".that's just my thoughts.....genuity

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Not really. It was really easy, I've never had to study or anything for anything school related. Take the pretest first if you're not sure you can do it.It will kinda tell you where you're at.
idk I just dont believe anything I hear.I know to many frauds in real life to.
I see you got your GED Im about to take my test next month do you got any tips?
Well, some lies are necessary, don't tell folks your address on here, which is more of an omission than a lie. And you may sometimes lie to spare someone's feelings, perhaps. But so much time is wasted when you lie about everything, because you have to keep track of all your lies so you don't get caught. It exhausts me just thinking about it.
Yeah, you come across questionable people all day. Its a revolving door that will continue that way aslong as mankind is around.
Take it with a grain of salt is my only Some people need to feel accepted. Hence the bullshit.
Other wise there would be no need to lie.
I don't know...maybe it's trolling- or maybe who they are on here is who they pretend not to be in real life. A few of them maybe are genuinely delusional. I know if I was doing that shit, I'd have so much contempt for myself, because I'D know the truth. Sometimes you just have to sit down and be brutally honest with yourself. You have to realize it's ok not to be perfect,I guess. A lot of it may be a fear of ridicule. I notice people are much quicker to ridicule people on the net without really getting to know the whole situation. Do you think you could be friends with someone on here IRL if you met them? What if you met them first,and their appearance turned you off? Would you give them a chance as a person? What if some of the folks on here you really like turned out to be total dorks,or disabled, or disfigured or whatever-not at all how you pictured them? Would you be able to remind yourself, hey wait..this is so and so and he/she has a beautiful mind?
I feel the same way. I find it amazing that some people just feel the need to spew out bullshit constantly to try to be accepted. I always wonder if they realize that most people know bullshit when they see it, or do they just not have that little sector in their brains that alerts them to just shut up so they don't make themselves look like a fool?


Active Member
i think this thread calls for a little brad paisley. but i dont know why pepole feel the need to lie. half the shit they lie about is ridiculous . but i guess it has to be something in these peoples heads that make them feel the need to lie. i can see some maybe exaggerating the story a little but dont just completly lie about whatever it is.

well i dont know how to put the video up if anody can do it heres the video

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
No, not really, I've just observed this with several people, and not just on this site, but in chat rooms and myspace pages, for example.
Is there anyone in specific we are reffering to?
Actually, I have a brother who does this a lot. He exaggerates or completely fabricates a story,then tries to get me to back him up on it. I hate that.
i think this thread calls for a little brad paisley. but i dont know why pepole feel the need to lie. half the shit they lie about is ridiculous . but i guess it has to be something in these peoples heads that make them feel the need to lie. i can see some maybe exaggerating the story a little but dont just completly lie about whatever it is.


Well-Known Member
I seen some funny shit people lie about on this site.Stuff that has no reason to lie about I caught him so many times to.I just kept going along with it,I felt kinda bad it was such a lame thing he was lying about.I dont wanna put anybody on blast in this thread so I wont go into detail but it was hilarious.


Well-Known Member
Becareful you could hurt there feelings dot !
I pay no mind to anyone I feel is bullshiting. It takes tooo much effort to call them out.. seriously.


Well-Known Member
Becareful you could hurt there feelings dot !
I pay no mind to anyone I feel is bullshiting. It takes tooo much effort to call them out.. seriously.
It was just so funny it was about video games if you seen the thread you would know.I think he had a few other people going but not me I caught all that shit it was so fucking funny/sad.


Well-Known Member
i hate when someone (not just clown and not just on the internet) says there blood or OG. if a real blood caught you saying that youd get shot. and dont you have to kill 3 people in prison to become OG? chances are your not getting out.

there have been times when ive been intoxicated and thought it would be good for laughs to pretend to be someone completly different/ ive put on an accent to pick up girls at a mall(i was much younger) and ive told people im an entrapenure from the stock market(even though im a broke bastard with no stock wisdom).

also sometimes, just to see if people are intelegent or if there paying attention, ill tell someone my dad died in vietnam(im 21 btw, no chance in hell) and its funny how people feel bad or treat me diferently based on a flat out stupid lie

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I hate people that are into the whole "gang" mentality. It's just another way to be phony. I never understood the need to join one.
i hate when someone (not just clown and not just on the internet) says there blood or OG. if a real blood caught you saying that youd get shot. and dont you have to kill 3 people in prison to become OG? chances are your not getting out.

there have been times when ive been intoxicated and thought it would be good for laughs to pretend to be someone completly different/ ive put on an accent to pick up girls at a mall(i was much younger) and ive told people im an entrapenure from the stock market(even though im a broke bastard with no stock wisdom).

also sometimes, just to see if people are intelegent or if there paying attention, ill tell someone my dad died in vietnam(im 21 btw, no chance in hell) and its funny how people feel bad or treat me diferently based on a flat out stupid lie
Bend over.....;)
Anyone seen my hamster?


Well-Known Member
Becareful you could hurt there feelings dot !
I pay no mind to anyone I feel is bullshiting. It takes tooo much effort to call them out.. seriously. doubt, I had to learn the hard way. You have got to be exceptionally careful when posting....a word here and there lost with intent and you're put on trial. :neutral:


Well-Known Member doubt, I had to learn the hard way. You have got to be exceptionally careful when posting....a word here and there lost with intent and you're put on trial. :neutral:
Lol ain't that the fucking truth!
They latch on to shit like crazy and run with it all day.
I know this all to well. Certain people don't talk to me just because of something I said or did? Idk. They get in JO's words "butt hurt" lol
Life goes on. Yaknow. I'm making some white rice with corn beef hash with a spanish twist from scratch.. SOOOOOOO GOOD! Its the rican in me:)
I'm fucking starving!!!!/


Well-Known Member
damn that sounds good.Im thinking about hitting mcdonalds before class to get a crispy chicken sandwich.They are so good,I rip most of the bread off them though and just eat the chicken lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's kinda sad and it hit me like a ton of bricks too. :shock:
Had I lost a word here and there.....sigh, alas, I did foolishly call out the "bs".....that really accomplished something.:rolleyes:
I foresee a gang rape in the future for my "offense."
The dish sounded appealing, but I caught a glimpse of the June bug all over again.
If ever I needed a diet aid....thanks Stoney.:spew: