

Well-Known Member
What kind of phone you rocking and why talk about the cameras memory ram processors all that and durabilty of phone also can talk about the network you use and the price you paid I'm in the market for a new one but don't want to spend a arm and a leg because I break them
What kind of phone you rocking and why talk about the cameras memory ram processors all that and durabilty of phone also can talk about the network you use and the price you paid I'm in the market for a new one but don't want to spend a arm and a leg because I break them

Just got my first iPhone, a 6. It's got 128 gigs and a fantastic camera. Good battery life. Best phone I had before that was an ATT Galaxy 2, but they stopped supporting it and no apps would work. I hate when they force you out of a product you love. The iphone has enough memory for most of my music, Android using external cards always fucked me up, pics going corrupt and unusable music files. I don't use iTunes, I use Tenorshare's iCare software to interface with my iphone as it is simple and offers a lot of flexibility. If I had to use iTunes I wouldn't even bother. I bought the iphone GSM unlocked off ebay for $160, and use smart talk service for $50 per month. Great deal...
Note 3. Because I can't be fucked spending money on shit I don't need.
Network is Vodurrrrfone. Can't even maintain a good signal on the skirts of town. But I've got 28gb of data. No complaints there. Don't know about the ram and other shit. Only know it's got 32gb storage. Plus another 32 in sd format.