Phenotype hunting - vegging vs flowering

One thing OP should realize, especially since he said that he's in it for business, is that ppl already established in "the business" have no incentive to give you accurate information. Quite the opposite, actually. They have incentive to offer up bitcoin to anyone who participates in feeding you disinformstion. To commercial growers, the only enemy bigger than home and hobby growers are other commercial growers.

Years ago commercial or selling for profit was very much disliked on this site, now were all med and rec its done a u-turn and commercial and profit growers are loved by all or the norm.

Contrary what many members said when I started this thread - something along the lines that you could never know how much yield are you going to get by judging a vegging plant. Complete bullshit imo.

My question was about the smallest 10% that look really small compared to other ones.. and then I get criticized about my growing skills.

I'm just about to move the plants to the next room and I'm getting a really good picture about how some plants are so much smaller compared to other ones. I can't help it - even with a lack of experience that I have, I'm getting a really strong feeling that the smallest portion of vegging plants WILL NOT BE THE ONES WHO WOULD GIVE ME THE BEST ANNUAL YIELD.

Dude what are you even on ... Most of the replys are telling you .. you cant honestly pheno hunt anythng by veg alone ... you find one reply that fits what you feel is the best way and then run with that .. your mind was already made up ... so why are you even here ?
S1 seeds and "pheno" hunting?

The amount of different "pheno's" from S1 or "FEM" seeds will be rather small in any amount done.
They are basically genetic copy's of the mother.

There would be some but not many and they should only be a very minor shift in between those that are actually differing.

As far as vigor goes. To place that in any relationship between yields and vigor.... Not in S1 beans much... Or any other way for much for that matter.
Changes in vigor relate more to total environment and just how many cross's have been done with that pairing....You get out past F5 and it begins to spiral (vigor).

Yield is a strain thing - again, for the most part.

This whole thing should have died years ago to start. As soon as "FEM" seeds was listed - I didn't bother to answer before this...
Now read it and re-bury it..

Pheno hunting Fem seeds... dumb box a rocks....