phaze and northern lights plant has tiny buds??? whats wrong


Well-Known Member
i have this plant that has buds on it some people would call it white pistle hairs. Well 3 of the hairs are turning red on a couple top buds. I did the microscope check and on one of the side buds i seen a fair amount of gooey sticky looking gel like balls all over the the bud one of the buds had a purple hair. I cant seem 2 tell what people mean by cloudy i mean the only thing i see is a bunch of gooey balls am i supposed 2 be looking for those gooey chrystal things 2 double on the bud or is it something else im looking for i assume when some of those gooey balls turn amber 2 pick the bud??? i mean im confused. The plant was in a 3-1/2 gallon container i followed a guys advice on here 1 ft for every gallon and my plant seemed root bound at just 2 andd a half feet how could that be?? eitherway i transplanted it into a 5 gallon bucket about a week and a half ago i think there on week 3 of flowering yet the buds dont seem 2 be very big or long. Only about an inch and mostly white hairs. under the scope one site looked like the starting of a bud with a purple colored hair under the scope but they mosly look all white hairs and tiny?? whats going on am i doing anything wrong or should i just be waiting a few more weeks hopefully they will pack on the weight. The plant is only at 3ft in a 5 gallon bucket so im concerned it wont grow anymore which doesnt make sense it was root bound in the old container. I keep hearing different things i need 2 wait 11 weeks one person says 8. iI dont see how a plant this small should take 2 mid november 2 finsh. Any thoughts ??? i dont want a small harvest and it just looks like my buds are tiny only about an inch tall and from others pics ive seen bigger fatter buds at 3 weeks?? Whats funny is i took a bud i had of some local mids and put that under the scope and it had less gooey gel like balls then my plant on the bud i checked could it be possiable my plant already has more thc an resin then the midgrade?

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
post aome picks and how long have you been flowering and were do you live and what has the weather been like there is alot of details that are missing


Well-Known Member
i noticed a bud forming around aug 15 i live in the northeast004.jpg way it has been dry almost all summer besides the hurricane that just came threw that dumped some rain ive been giving it some gauno when i wat005.jpger here and there my mix is 75% compost and 25% kgro soil from the store had spider mites at one point i got rid of that problem heres some pics003.jpg

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
they look good that pic was taken augest 15? they should be ready for harvest like end of sept beging of october they will look small tell that last month then exsplode dont worry about it..


Well-Known Member
no that pic wasnt taken on the 15th redtube i said i noticed a bud on it at that time. But yes i will stop with the guano. But should i be feeding it something else or just leave it alone and give it straight watering for the rest of the harvest??


Well-Known Member
in my scope it looked cloudy somewhat could have been due 2 the angle but i did notice a bunch of trichomes but they werent amber but there was alot


Well-Known Member
from what i saw there wasnt many trichs it looked like a snow flurry a few dots all around they werent clustered or standing up so yet id say oct harvest at min

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
i would just let it grow maby cover it with a blanket if it is going to frost to try and keep it warm but you might be growing tell the begining or october it is a little early for giant buds buds will grow for about 3 months end of sept- begining of october dont worry about it!!! have fun smoking some bud should give me a dub for the help hehe!!! =]


Well-Known Member
sure ill be sure 2 mail you some right away as ive herd if its decriminalized you can order pot supplies such as seeds and not end up in federal prison dont quote me. If i sent u something chances are your end would seize and we would both go down sept its decriminalized here i prolly wouldent get more then a fine. Im still skeptical as to what the government can do cuz its illegal says the government so i dont know if i would end up in federal prison for sending someone weed even just a 20 as they say 1 plant or 500 your still gonna go down hard. but thats talking federal idk state law here allows up to 2-1/2 ounces personal in possesion however what i dont understand and alot of other people either is how the state bases that amount on?? some plants will produce a pound of pot while others less what am i supposed 2 do pick 2 ounces wet and throw the rest of good medicine away seems senseless 2 waste. isnt the senseable point of growing 2 get the most u can out of a plant most yeild etc. Either way im nervous and tempted to pluck in the next couple of days due 2 crop hunters lerking ive already herd of a kid who snatched up a plant he found in the woods and is drying out the buds now. What is sad is we have stupid immature stoners out there that dont understand the process of growing weed and maturity and will say to them selfs look i just found a plant lets rob it and tell my freinds about it ill be so cool without even understanding no plants i know of are ready at this time so whatever the dude ripped off prolly wasnt much at this point prolly a nickle wet of immature buds witch would be harsh and have the thc of a mexican brick bud???
i would just let it grow maby cover it with a blanket if it is going to frost to try and keep it warm but you might be growing tell the begining or october it is a little early for giant buds buds will grow for about 3 months end of sept- begining of october dont worry about it!!! have fun smoking some bud should give me a dub for the help hehe!!! =]
LOL thats funny. All the help i have received here i would owe my whole crop.


Well-Known Member
Well dudes it appears as of today i have 4 colas about 6 inches and a bunch of small tiny buds idk what the person who started this plant did but somehow i seem 10 have 3-1/2 colas the main one then another coming off of a branch on the bottom end of the plant then on the other side of that another branch shooting up with a cola then at the the very bottom very last branch coming off is a tiny looking cola almost like a runt cola. The 3 big colas seem to have a bunch of red hairs at the tips and look to be about 6 inchs long the trichs i could clearly see on 2 of the colas the main one top and the side one below it looked like gel balls the size of sea salt where as before last week the main one seemed to have only small gooey dots that looked like reg salt you know what im saying the crystals got bigger and the top plant looks somewhat frosty i dident notice any chutes like any crystals standing up just bigger round balls then before and it was kinda hard to really notice if the goo was amber on the main cola it seemed to look like some of them were slightly brownish/red like a clear light color nothing real dark. From the looks of things theres about an ounce wet now but im no expert certainly not the qp i was hoping for then again in 2 weeks they could double idk i deceided however 2 pluck a smaller bud from the lower part of the plant im hoping 2 dry it and in a couple of days try and smoke it to hopefully get a hit as to what the buzz will be like i also gave it a qaurt of a gallon of water mixed with a teaspoon of this clover honey added idk what honey does but ive herd honey from cloves will greatly increase bloom which increases yeild plus i figured after pluckin that one lower bud it would need some extra help. i dont know if its true but someone told me they added some of this clover honey during budding and the result was noticable enough i guess. I dont plan to use any more nutes rest of the grow i assume ive got 2 more weeks left so im stopping nutes. Thankx to the mofos that helped me along looks like im gonna have a harvest after all noone has jacked my medicine so far and i figure most plant pouchers have already hunted. p.s i trimmed the bud leaf off and cut a couple suckers off it and tryed the oven trick 350 for 10 mins and almost burnt it all up i crumbled up what was there and put it into a bowl and it seemed like i got a slight buzz consistant with the strain real heady but somewhat of a body buzz too just off of 2 good hits been an hour an half now and i still feel a heady stoned


Well-Known Member
Based on what i told you guys is it still possiable 2 get a couple of oz's of potent smoke?? i know cutting off a small bud was not a good idea but is it possiable 2 recover the plant before harvest and maybe have the buds grow alil bigger i plan on a 2 week finish??


Well-Known Member
i would definitely wait it out. im assuming this is your first grow. we always want to rush our first time. in two weeks if 50-75% of the white hairs have turned red on the main colas then harvest them and let the side ones go a bit longer. :p


Well-Known Member
thnks mercury i just did that yesterday i went 2 check on it and i noticed some of the top plant leaves have turned purple aswell as hairs on the main cola i chopped that bud off and a smaller side bud fell off with it. some of the bottom buds had only looked to have white hairs still a couple had turned hairs but i dident see amber trics so im gonna wait as you say. i also dident know if things turning purple was due to the strain so i figured it could be k deficentcy so i mixed alil natural peanut butter in with a half gallon of water to help boost potassium levels just in case i figure another 2 weeks at most and the rest of the plant will be done idk


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like the smaller 2 cola i left 2 ripen after i snipped the main cola were bigger and a frosty white color like the large cola was when i snipped last week. Also the top leaves werent as purple as they where before since i watered with that peanut butter water so it seems. They look purple as before but you would think the color would have spread to the lower leaves or turned the top leaves completely purple so id say it was low potassium and the water trick i used helped. Im wondering if i could do one more peanut butter watering today and maybe they will grow bigger and get stronger for the last 2 weeks no nutes. Idk what im doing really im not sure if the plant is still in need of potassium?? 2 waterings total would that help enough 2 heal this plant alil more and improve on what i could get out of it or should i leave it alone straight water 2 more weeks idk. I could need 4 more weeks till chop. Some of the bottom parts of the colas are all white hairs still on the bottoms and bottom of plant just barely turning. Damn sativas take forever and im lookin to be couch locked from the piece of the main bud i tryed it was all head a strong and long head buzz and maybe a teeny tiny back body like buzz. kindy piney bud the stink wasnt too heavy but was slightly there when in a jar for 1 hour. When busted open a strong piney like sent hard to describe but distinct the taste even for being slightly still moist and not cure for 2 weeks was sorta sourey good for the first couple of hits you could taste the heavy flavor of the weed which wasnt bad if i had matured that bud alil longer and cured and shit i prolly could have got a bud that tastes good the hole joint or bowl idk. I this not all kinds of weed taste good after one hit taste like crap and resiny smell usaully so id say not bad i exceeded my own expectations with an ounce or 2 of bud we will see in a few weeks im looking for couch lock as i said this stuff seems too alivey heavy alive lol but still not enough couch lock.


Well-Known Member
Well folks shes almost finished so far ive smoked about a qaurter oz. Today i picked about half oz off looks like i got about another half oz waitn. All in all id say i got 1 oz and a qaurter. Had i left my main cola to ripen prolly would have been an ounce and a half. Keep in mind this is my first time actually getting buds off of a plant and the high is very good seeedless buds heres a pic of one of the buds dry couple days ago The last pic of 2 buds is the fresh shit picked 2dayPicture 143.jpgPicture 142.jpgPicture 146.jpg