
Well-Known Member
I Just bought an electronic PH tester and it says it is for soil. It doent say anything about testing water. Theoretically i should be able to test water, right?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
yea of course.... i have never seen a ph pen u put into the soil sounds retareded to me.... call up the place u got it from u should be able to put in into ur resoviour otherwise get a differnet ph pen

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Is it a pen or is a meter with the 2 prongs? I have the 2 prong deal and it seems to work fine in both soil and water.


Well-Known Member
I Just bought an electronic PH tester and it says it is for soil. It doent say anything about testing water. Theoretically i should be able to test water, right?bongsmilie
Some meters are designed for liquid water and some are designed for soggy soil. They work differently. There are disclaimers about using a two probe in a glass of water; I believe it will knock the calibration out of wack.

I use a $10 pool water tester for liquid and a $20 soggy soil tester in my pots. This arrangemnet works well. I would discourage you from trying to do both tests with a two probe tester.


Well-Known Member
lol i finally read the novel that it came with and it said not to use in water. btw it is a two prong soil meter. thanks bird!


Well-Known Member
I bought both the pool water tester and the soil tester at Lowes. I love that place. The stuff I can find for my indoor garden is endless.