Ph was high for rw and res? fixed res? no what?


Well-Known Member
HELP @@@ TY . My ph was high in res. I fixed it. Does the rockwool have hot spots? Should i flood the table and hold it? Is going with one feed gonna balance it. I saw signs of ph fluctuation on the leaves. Also maybe some molybedium deficinecy. I have a malformed leaf. ANy comments. 9 nl plants i do not wanna lose! ty for any advice



Well-Known Member
lol, the above post sounds crazy. did i bombard you with a 100 wuestions or what? rofl, somebody wanna give it a shot in one word answer.
lol, i am not a reatrd or a jerk. i was trying to be succinct. i guess i cant pull that off. hehe.
i was watching my plants, just transplanted into new system. had to take my eyes off for a few days due to stress reasons. My own, lol.
So i fixed the res but i had let it go a few days with bad ph, maybe 2, and the malformed leaf i have no clue. I using flora nova nutes with general purpose str. No nute burn.
They are in 1.5 cubes and i just moved them into 4 icnh cubes. I barely flushed the cubes hence the ph drift. It all straightened out last i checked. I flooded table for few minutes 2x in a row to fush cunes with good ph nutes. I will go again tonight. I flooding 12 hours, thats once every 12 hours in 18/6. I like the growth under the metal halide. Like a fist compared to a open hand of a cfl. Tthat;s the anology.
I have read every article on the net about rockwool their is and the most informative is grodan itself with really nice daily tip they update every day. Aft
originally i hated rw but now i love the stuff. It;s so freaking interesting. I got a hd mortar tray and way to big a pump. 12 4 inch cubes inside from seed. They about 2 weeks almost. i gotta go check journal. Maybe less.
What i curiuous does anybody have any experience with what i think to be ph fluctuation discoloring? Ph was 7 or so for day or more. Just joping i not missing anything. I also concerned about overwatering. I no it hard to do in rw but the leaves droop alittle and since i trasplanted them they got eztra uneven watering so i a normal daddy and nervous for them. Anway... ty

picsw 1 2 4 are northern lights. pic 3 is a mazar afghan. see the diference. cool.


Well-Known Member
any experience, i never had good seeds, this is my second grow, i know i am over thinking this but just making sure there isnt soemthing i can do. I checked around and despite not flushing the rw cubes as good as i should have (i was in a huge hurry and you try soaking 4 inch cubes, huge!) a lotta growers have reported no prob. Make no mistake as a nub i dont recomend it but i am not so worried now. Gl to me. Also my cubed are wet but heavy, any advice on ebb watering 4 inch cubes. 12 hours ago they got wet but they were really alomost overwater before. I am trying to gert a schedule of every 12 hours but i think i mught wait 48. see then if they dry.Any thoughts on mutant leaves? Its in the pic. I read molydeium defucany. I have flora nute nd superthrive. I checking but i fig ph locked out the nuts.