Ph Value after Fertilizer


Hi , i am growing total 6 auto flowering plant ( WW - Blueberry - easyryder ) in a 1x1x2meter tent with soil under 400w HPS and 2x50w LED , humidity around %45 , temp is 25 to 30 degrees . Oldest lady is 40 days old(22 inch tall is the tallest one) , youngest is 30 days old ( 10 inch is the shortest one ), All plants already start flowering period . Soil getting dry every 4 to 5 days and i am watering them every 4-5 days ( using tap water ) . I am also giving bloom fertilizer ( 10-52-10 ) 2/5 of recommended with every watering . Tap water Ph is around 8 , and i am balancing it to 6.5 with Ph balancer liquid . after i balance the ph , i am adding fertilizer mixing well and giving to the ladies . I never check the ph value after fertilizer but yesterday after i checked the ph after adding fertilizer , i saw that Ph value is something like 5.5 .

if water is already ph balanced before adding fertilizer , is it safe to give this water-fertilizer mix to the ladies ? or , do i need to balance water-fertilizer mix at the end with ph balancer . i didnt see any bad sign from ladies but i wanna do the best to them .

PS : i dont have soil Ph tester , i have water Ph tester

thank you all


Moderatrix of Journals
you want to ph your water after you mix up your solution.
a lot of liquid nutes will lower your ph (potassium silicate being a notable exception), and the higher the ppms, the more ph-balance (up or down) it'll need to get to an optimal level.

your ladies don't really care what your water *started at, they care what it is when they're drinking it.

happy diggin! ;)


Well-Known Member
Yea mix ur nutes in ur water and then add nutes.... Then add ur ph up or down.... Keep this in mind... A weak nutrient solution requires more ph up.....a srtong nutrient solution requires ph down.... Be carefulm if u add too much ph up... This will cause nutrient lock up....

stink palm

My bloom nutes drop the pH a full 1-2 points depending on the mix.

And yeah, measure the pH after all your mix is together.


i watched GreenHouse seed company growing videos on youtube yesterday , they were growing WW SSH cheese and church in soil . As far as i read all around , the ph value have to be around 6.5 but green house seed company people always mention that they kept ph value at 5.9 , do you know why ?