PH Up??

Never used PH up befor only used PH down & i know PH down is some pretty strong shit. So today i added 1 drop of PH up in a a 1 gallon of distilled water mixed with ff tiger bloom and it would only raise it up by like 0.1 does that sound accurate or is something wrong with my PH meter??


New Member
gary, ive heard a lot of stories about ph pens being finicky. test you tap water with the pen, whats it saying?

do you have any ph test strips to compare?


Well-Known Member
i usually add my PH up in cap fulls and at least three of them for my five gallon bucket. it dose take quite a bit of PH up. i use GH PH up and advance nutes PH down.
the advance PH down is some supper strong shit i bought one bottle two years ago still almost full. i spill more than i use but this shit lasts forever. the GH PH up i have had like four of those i use guite a bit. u probley need to add more the more nutes in the mix the lower the PH will be the more PH up u gotta add


Well-Known Member
Uh, first - why are you concerned about your pH? You don't say if it's in soil or hydro, you don't mention your pH. Hard to give advice on this subject without some basic background.


New Member
Uh, first - why are you concerned about your pH? You don't say if it's in soil or hydro, you don't mention your pH. Hard to give advice on this subject without some basic background.
this man is right. im organic, so i dont ever really have to fuck with ph, unless my plant looks like its dying.

soil comes bufferd

tap water comes buffered

fertilizer comes buffered (5-6)

so if you start with soil and water at seven, and feed once or twice, youll be in a good range
this man is right. im organic, so i dont ever really have to fuck with ph, unless my plant looks like its dying.

soil comes bufferd

tap water comes buffered

fertilizer comes buffered (5-6)

so if you start with soil and water at seven, and feed once or twice, youll be in a good range
Im using soil Thanks for the info didn't know that. i was adding ph up because the nutrients brought it down to around 5.4


Active Member
Ok, the ole soil/PH issue. First off, for those who can run soil without using a PH meter.... lucky bastages!!! I bought a good ph meter (Milwaukee) because I ended up getting PH lock out during my last grow. I did not use a lot of nutrients (only 'tiger bloom' at lower dose than schedule recommends during mid/late flowering) cause I was in Miracle Grow Moisture control that feed for 6 months... (not using it this time around). That is some very 'hot' soil, and by that my run off was constantly 5.2, even with the very high PH tap water that I have my run off was still very low. So if you do not want to incorporate it into your grow, just do not forget that PH lockout can happen in soil. Now I am running better soil and FoxFarm nutes. I added the recommended (a user here) Dolamite Lime to the soil mix so it has been great on help stabilizing my soil PH while supplying good Cal/Mag at the same time. I still PH my water going in as my tap is WAAAY high PH and also when I feed the FF schedule. Another thing that hind sight brought was that I let her get to big before flip and ended up getting root bound causing finishing to take FOR EVAR lol. Good luck, and take everything with a grain of salt here and trial/error is always the best... unfortunate sometimes :( (Sorry bmeat, but you have to be taken with a couple of grains of salt at least)

Oh, on the PH up... I use GH PH up and White distilled vinegar for PH down. I use 1 teaspoon per gallon to get from 5.8 to 6.5 when using with nutes. I use about 1 and 1/2 tsp of vinegar to bring a PH down from about 8.4 to 6.5. (6.5 being the target always!) With both go slow and test often... nothing worse than PH up too far or PH down too far and having to use chemicals unnecessarily. (ok, OP answered)


New Member
Im using soil Thanks for the info didn't know that. i was adding ph up because the nutrients brought it down to around 5.4
people grow hydro at that ph with no issues. soil should be a little higher. just raise the ph up a tiny bit with lime or urine. on top of lime stone being a ph up, its a mineral, directly from the earth, and has micro nutes for the plant.

ive never had to ph my soil, besides when i used chemical nutes and nuked the shit out of my soil.


Active Member
gary, ive heard a lot of stories about ph pens being finicky. test you tap water with the pen, whats it saying?

do you have any ph test strips to compare?


As to the op:

Ph Up is considerably weaker than ph down. You can see this if you look at the back of the pack.

At a rough guess ph down is 2-3x stronger than ph up, and accordingly your will need more drops to affect the ph.


Active Member
May want to get some reference solution and make sure that pen is calibrated and you should store the probe in 4.0 solution and never in RO water. Opinions are like a holes when it comes to ph and soil but you do need to know when you have lockout.